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[英]use define to assign a struct member to another member of the same struct

typedef struct{
               type_t member1;
               type_t member2;


I want to assign member1 to member2. 我想将member1分配给member2。 As this is a repeated operation I thought of putting the assignmet in a #define: 由于这是重复的操作,因此我想到将Assignmet放在#define中:

#define op (structType_t).member1=(structType_t).member2

However, this seems to be wrong how would the compiler know that it is the members of the same struct and I can't see a way of using it. 但是,这似乎是错误的,编译器将如何知道它是同一结构的成员,而我看不到使用它的方法。 Any ideas? 有任何想法吗? I know I have other options such as macro or function but my question is this way possible? 我知道我还有其他选择,例如宏或函数,但是我的问题是这样吗?

Writing such macros is never a good idea. 编写这样的宏绝不是一个好主意。 It is probably not possible to write something better and more readable than mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2; 可能无法编写出比mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2;更好,更易读的mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2; .

If you want to encapsulate this for whatever reason, use a function: 如果出于任何原因要封装它,请使用一个函数:

void structTypeMemberCopy (structType_t* obj)
  obj->member1 = obj->member2;

This is likely going to get inlined and replaced with the equivalent of mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2; 这很可能会内联并替换为等效的mystruct.member1 = mystruct.member2; in the machine code. 在机器代码中。

And finally there is the bad idea macro, which can be made type safe: 最后是一个坏主意宏,可以将其设置为安全类型:

#define structTypeCopy(obj) _Generic((obj), structType_t: (obj).member1 = (obj).member2)


structType_t mystruct = { ... };

You need to define the macro like this: 您需要这样定义宏:

#define a(T1) T1.n1 = T1.n2

the macro a receive one parameter T1 and does the asignement. a接收一个参数T1并进行赋值。

Something like this: 像这样:

#include <iostream>

#define a(T1) T1.n1 = T1.n2

typedef struct {
    int n1;
    int n2;
} estructure;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    estructure test;

    test.n1 = 1;
    test.n2 = 2;


    std::cout << test.n1 << " " << test.n2 << std::endl;

    return 0;

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