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[英]How can I check more than two conditions inside oncomplete

I have 4 conditions to check, I want to check it inside oncomplete statement. 我有4个条件要检查,我想在onc​​omplete语句中检查它。 I recognized that I can check only two using if else. 我认识到,如果使用其他方法,则只能检查两个。 If I use if -> else if -> else if -> else if to check 4 conditions in oncomplete. 如果我使用if-> else if-> else if-> else if在oncomplete中检查4个条件。 When I did that it can check only if and else if (again 2 conditions only) Is any way to check more than two conditions? 当我这样做时,它只能检查是否以及是否(仅再次满足2个条件)是否可以检查两个以上条件? That's my code. 那是我的代码。 That code can check only if and 1st else if 该代码只能检查if和1st else

<a4j:commandLink .....
action ....
oncomplete=" if (1st condtition ) ; else if (2nd condition) ; else if (3th condition ) ; else if (4th condition)"

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

If u want to check for true 如果你想检查true

if(1st condition && 2nd condition && 3rd condition && 4th condition){}

or any one true 或任何一个true

if(1st condition || 2nd condition || 3rd condition || 4th condition){}

I find out an answear for my own question. 我为自己的问题找到了答案。 I will explain that in the answear of it. 我会在后面对此进行解释。 But i will explain my problem more properly for you and all guys who will read it anytime. 但是,我将为您和所有随时阅读此书的人更恰当地解释我的问题。 So: I have a .xhtml file , where i am using Seam framework and JSF to connect front-end and back-end side of my project. 所以:我有一个.xhtml文件,我在这里使用Seam框架和JSF连接项目的前端和后端。 Also i am using AJAX. 我也正在使用AJAX。 I have the which is containing in body : onclick , action , oncomplete , rendered . 我的正文中包含:onclick,action,oncomplete,rendered。 So in oncomplete i wanted to check 4 different condtitions , depends of result i wanted to call an method from some java class. 所以在oncomplete上,我想检查4个不同的条件,根据结果,我想从某个Java类中调用一个方法。 But oncomplete supports only if else. 但是oncomplete仅在其他情况下支持。 – svennnx3 3 mins ago Edit – svennnx3 3分钟前编辑
And i wanted to use if else if , else if , else if. 我想使用if if if,else if,else if。 It not gonna work unfrotunately. 它不会毫不费力地工作。 So i only did 2 condtitions ( if and else). 所以我只做了2个条件(如果是,否则)。 my methods just set 2 boolean variables. 我的方法只是设置2个布尔变量。 Then i am calling to show an dialog window when my booleans are true. 然后,我打电话给我的布尔值为true时显示一个对话框窗口。 That solves my problem, to show two dialogs at once or only 1 when only one variable is true :) 这就解决了我的问题,一次只显示两个对话框,或者当只有一个变量为true时只显示1个对话框:)

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