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矩阵矩阵乘法的 CPU 时间

[英]CPU Time for matrix matrix multiplication

I am trying to decide wether several similar but independent problems should be dealt with simultaneously or sequentially (possibly in parallel on different computers).我试图决定几个相似但独立的问题应该同时还是按顺序处理(可能在不同的计算机上并行处理)。 In order to decide, I need to compare the cpu times of the following operations :为了做出决定,我需要比较以下操作的 CPU 时间:

  • time_1 is the time for computing X(with shape (n,p)) @ b (with shape (p,1)). time_1 是计算 X(with shape (n,p)) @ b (with shape (p,1)) 的时间。

  • time_k is the time for computing X(with shape (n,p)) @ B (with shape (p,k)). time_k 是计算 X(with shape (n,p)) @ B (with shape (p,k)) 的时间。

where X, b and B are random matrices.其中 X、b 和 B 是随机矩阵。 The difference between the two operations is the width of the second matrix.两个操作之间的区别是第二个矩阵的宽度。

Naively, we expect that time_k = kx time_1.天真地,我们期望 time_k = kx time_1。 With faster matrix multiplication algorithms (Strassen algorithm, Coppersmith–Winograd algorithm), time_k could be smaller than kx time_1 but the complexity of these algorithms remains much larger than what I observed in practice.使用更快的矩阵乘法算法(Strassen 算法、Coppersmith-Winograd 算法),time_k 可能小于 kx time_1,但这些算法的复杂度仍然比我在实践中观察到的要大得多。 Therefore my question is : How to explain the large difference in terms of cpu times for these two computations ?因此我的问题是:如何解释这两种计算在 cpu 时间方面的巨大差异?

从宽度 k 角度比较 CPU 时间

The code I used is the following :我使用的代码如下:

import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

p     = 100
width = np.concatenate([np.arange(1, 20), np.arange(20, 100, 10), np.arange(100, 4000, 100)]).astype(int)

mean_time = []
for nk, kk in enumerate(width):
    timings = []
    nb_tests = 10000 if kk <= 300 else 100
    for ni, ii in enumerate(range(nb_tests)):
        print('\r[', nk, '/', len(width), ', ',  ni, '/', nb_tests, ']', end = '')
        x     = np.random.randn(p).reshape((1, -1))
        coef  = np.random.randn(p, kk)
        d     = np.zeros((1, kk))
        start = time.time()
        d[:]  = x @ coef
        end   = time.time()
        timings.append(end - start)


mean_time = np.array(mean_time)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize =(14,8))
plt.plot(width, mean_time, label =  'mean(time\_k)')
plt.plot(width, width*mean_time[0], label = 'k*mean(time\_1)')
plt.ylabel('time (sec)')

You aren't only timing multiplication operation.你不仅仅是计时乘法运算。 time.time() takes time to complete. time.time()需要时间来完成。

>>> print(time.time() - time.time())

When multiplied by the number of tries (10000) then the number of instances it becomes significant overhead, for n=100 you are in fact comparing what is 1.000.000 calls to time.time() to 100 regular numpy array multiplications.当乘以尝试次数 (10000) 时,实例数就变成了显着的开销,对于 n=100,您实际上将 1.000.000 次调用time.time()与 100 次常规 numpy 数组乘法进行比较。

For quick benchmarking, Python provides a dedicated module that doesn't have this problem : see timeit为了快速进行基准测试,Python 提供了一个没有这个问题的专用模块:参见timeit

This detail of the reason is very complex.这个细节的原因很复杂。 You know that when PC run the X @ b , it will execute many other required instructions, maybe load data from RAM to cache and so on.你知道当 PC 运行X @ b ,它会执行许多其他需要的指令,可能load data from RAM to cache等等。 In other words, the cost time contains two parts - the 'real calculate instructions' in CPU represented by Cost_A and 'other required instructions' represented by Cost_B .换句话说,成本时间包含两个部分- “真实计算指示”在CPU由下式表示Cost_A和由下式表示“其它所需的指令” Cost_B I have a idea, just my guess, that it's the Cost_B lead to time_k << kx time_1 .我有一个想法,只是我的猜测,它是Cost_B导致time_k << kx time_1

For the shape of b is small (eg 1000 x 1), the 'other required instructions' cost relatively the most time.由于 b 的形状很小(例如 1000 x 1),“其他所需指令”相对花费的时间最多。 For the shape of b is huge (eg 1000 x 10000), it's relatively small.由于 b 的形状很大(例如 1000 x 10000),它相对较小。 The following group of experiments could give a less rigorous proof.下面的一组实验可以给出一个不太严格的证明。 We can see that when the shape of b increases from (1000 x 1) to (1000 x ) the cost time increases very slowly.我们可以看到,当 b 的形状从 (1000 x 1) 增加到 (1000 x ) 时,成本时间增加非常缓慢。

import numpy as np
import time

X = np.random.random((1000, 1000))

b = np.random.random((1000, 1))
b3 = np.random.random((1000, 3))
b5 = np.random.random((1000, 5))
b7 = np.random.random((1000, 7))
b9 = np.random.random((1000, 9))
b10 = np.random.random((1000, 10))
b30 = np.random.random((1000, 30))
b60 = np.random.random((1000, 60))
b100 = np.random.random((1000, 100))
b1000 = np.random.random((1000, 1000))

def test_cost(X, b):
    begin = time.time()
    for i in range(100):
        _ = X @ b
    end = time.time()

test_cost(X, b)
test_cost(X, b3)
test_cost(X, b5)
test_cost(X, b7)
test_cost(X, b9)
test_cost(X, b10)
test_cost(X, b30)
test_cost(X, b60) 
test_cost(X, b100)
test_cost(X, b1000)


For more, I do a set of experiments with pref in linux.对于更多,我在linux中用pref做了一组实验。 For the pref , the Cost_B maybe more big.对于prefCost_B可能更大。 I have 8 python files, the first one is as follows.我有8个python文件,第一个如下。

import numpy as np
import time
def broken2():
    mtx = np.random.random((1, 1000))
    c = None
    c = mtx ** 2


I had process the output to table A, as follows.我已将输出处理到表 A,如下所示。 在此处输入图片说明

I do a simple analysis that I divide the error of the number of operation (likes, cache-misses) in neighbor experiments by the error of time elapsed(seconds) .我做了一个简单的分析,我将邻居实验中操作次数(喜欢,缓存未命中)的误差除以time elapsed(seconds)time elapsed(seconds)误差time elapsed(seconds) Then, I get the following table B. From the table, we can find that as the shape of b increasing the linear relation between of shape and cost time is more obvious.然后,我得到下表B。从表中我们可以发现,随着b的形状的增加,形状与成本时间之间的线性关系更加明显。 And maybe the main reason that lead to time_k << kx time_1 is cache misses (load data from RAM to cache), for it stabilized firstly .也许导致time_k << kx time_1cache misses (将数据从 RAM 加载到缓存),因为它首先稳定了


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