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[英]In an instance of a class, can you use a value returned from a one method, as a parameter for calling another method

class A:
   def __init__(self, matrix=[]):
       self.matrix = matrix

   def dimension(self):
       return len(self.matrix), len(self.matrix[0])

   def reduce_matrix(self, i, j):
       temp = self.matrix[:i-1] + self.matrix[i:]
       M = A([row[:j-1] + row[j:] for row in temp])
       return M

   def determinant(self):
       (nrows, ncols) = self.dimension()
       if nrows != ncols:
           return ("Cannot find determinant of non-square matrix.")
       elif nrows == 1:
           return self.matrix[0][0]
           M = A(sum([ ((-1)**j) * self.matrix[0][j] * self.reduce_matrix(1, 
                   j+1).determinant() for j in range(ncols) ]))
           return M

Hello, I just started OOP so I have a question regarding using the returned value of a method in place of the "instance name" that is passed as "self" for some other method.你好,我刚刚开始 OOP,所以我有一个问题,关于使用方法的返回值代替作为“self”传递给其他方法的“实例名称”。

I included the rest of the code that just makes the calculations for a matrix problem, but I'm only focusing on the " self.reduce_matrix(1, j+1)).determinant()" bit of it.我包含了仅用于计算矩阵问题的其余代码,但我只关注其中的“ self.reduce_matrix(1, j+1)).determinant()”位。 I need to take a matrix (which is a list of lists ex. [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ), and perform the "reduce_matrix" method 1 time per column in the matrix, and each time, the "determinant(self)" method passes in the value returned from the other method.我需要获取一个矩阵(这是一个列表列表,例如 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] ),并在矩阵中的每列执行“reduce_matrix”方法 1 次,并且每次,“determinant(self)”方法都会传入另一个方法返回的值。 When I run it, it says that "list object has no attribute "determinant"" because I can't pass in "self" to the determinant method like I usually do --> "self.determinant(self)"当我运行它时,它说“列表对象没有属性“决定因素””,因为我不能像往常一样将“自我”传递给决定因素方法 -->“self.determinant(self)”

Any suggestions will be very appreciated任何建议将不胜感激

In reduce_matrix :reduce_matrix

  • create M as M = A([row[:j-1] + row[j:] for row in temp])创建MM = A([row[:j-1] + row[j:] for row in temp])
  • do not return M.matrix but M itself.不返回M.matrix而是返回M本身。

That said, numpy is there for all kind of matrix operations and more.也就是说, numpy可用于所有类型的矩阵运算等等。

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