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[英]Making pandas dataframe from dict

I am working on an assignment where I have made an dict with Political partys as keys and the genders of the members of the political partys as items. 我正在做一项任务,我以政党为重点,以政党成员的性别为项目,做出了一项命令。

The dict is named: genderlist . 该字典的名称为: genderlist the code for my dict as following: 我的字典的代码如下:

soup = BeautifulSoup(open(loadKandidatenlijst()).read(), features="xml")

genderlist = {}

for affiliation in soup.findAll('Affiliation'):
    genders = []
    party = affiliation.RegisteredName.text
    genderlist[party] = 0
    for name in affiliation.findAll('Candidate'):
        gender = name.Gender.text
        genderlist[party] = genders

genderlist['Partij van de Arbeid (P.v.d.A.)'][:6], len(genderlist), len(genderlist['CDA'])

My output results in: (['male', 'female', 'male', 'female', 'male', 'female'], 24, 50) 我的输出结果是: (['male', 'female', 'male', 'female', 'male', 'female'], 24, 50)

So, when I insert a partyname it results in the genders of all members in the party. 因此,当我插入一个聚会名称时,它会导致聚会中所有成员的性别。

Now I need to make a dataframe like this: 现在,我需要制作一个像这样的数据框: 在此处输入图片说明

So where it counts the genders seperatly and returns the femalepercentage in the dataframe. 因此,它分别计算性别并返回数据框中的女性百分比。

I've now tried this: 我现在已经尝试过了:

pd.DataFrame(genderlist.items(),columns=['male', 'female'])

It results in: 结果是: 在此处输入图片说明

How can I make a dataframe like expected, where the first 30 candidates of the party will be counted and result in a male and female separated dataframe with a percentage? 我如何才能像预期的那样制作一个数据框,在该数据框中将计算该党的前30名候选人,并导致一个男女分开的数据框有一定百分比?

Can you please help me out, what can I do with my code from now on. 您能帮我吗,从现在开始我该如何处理我的代码。

Thankyou in advance 先感谢您

You can use the list.count(element) function along with python dictionary comprehension to first create a dictionary of gender_counts which has the data you need and then use df.from_dict to convert that into a dataframe 您可以将list.count(element)函数与python字典理解一起使用,以首先创建一个含有所需数据的gender_counts字典,然后使用df.from_dict将其转换为数据df.from_dict

#each list has gender of members of that party
['female', 'female', 'male', 'female', 'male', 'male', 'female', 'female',
 'female', 'female']

gender_dict = {'Party_A': party_A, 'Party_B': party_B, 
               'Party_C': party_C, 'Party_D': party_D}

gender_counts = {k: [v.count('male'), v.count('female')] for k, v in gender_dict.items()}

{'Party_A': [3, 7],
 'Party_B': [5, 9],
 'Party_C': [13, 7],
 'Party_D': [9, 6]}

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(gender_counts, orient='index', columns=['male', 'female'])

     male female 
Party_A 3   7   
Party_B 5   9   
Party_C 13  7   
Party_D 9   6   

df['Women_pecentage'] = df.female/(df.male+df.female)


     male female Women_Percentage
Party_A 3   7   0.70
Party_B 5   9   0.64
Party_C 13  7   0.35
Party_D 9   6   0.40

Let df be your current output (I changed the column names): df为当前输出(我更改了列名):

df = pd.DataFrame(genderlist.items(), columns=['party_name', 'gender_list'])

gender_list is now a column of lists in this format: gender_list清单现在是这种格式的清单列:

['male', 'female', 'male', 'female', 'male', 'female']

Now you can just apply unique counts of elements using Counter , which returns a dictionary and then use apply(pd.Series) to split the column of dictionaries into separate columns. 现在,您可以使用Counter来应用元素的唯一计数, Counter返回一个字典,然后使用apply(pd.Series)将字典列拆分为单独的列。

from collections import Counter

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