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[英]It's ok to mix Conda install and Pip install?

I find conda install faster (something like numpy) 我发现conda install速度更快(类似numpy)

however I have to sometimes do pip install to get versions that's not available in conda. 但是我有时候必须进行pip install才能获得conda中没有的版本。

Is it safe to mix them inside conda environment? 在conda环境中混合它们是否安全?

So I did, 所以我做了,

conda activate my-venv
conda install pip
conda install foo
pip install bar

Situation improves starting with conda 4.6 and the pip_interop_enabled feature. pip_interop_enabled 4.6pip_interop_enabled功能开始,情况pip_interop_enabled改善。 So in the future it should be safe. 所以将来它应该是安全的。

For now the recommendations stated in the comment of @Christoffer should remain true. 目前,@ Christoffer评论中提出的建议应保持正确。

Note that it you encounter Pypi packages not available in conda, and if it is appropriate, you can create a recipe and submit to open-source community-managed channels conda-forge or bioconda . 请注意,您遇到conda中没有的Pypi软件包,如果合适,您可以创建一个配方并提交给开源社区管理的渠道bioconda conda-forge biocondabioconda This way you won't have to ask "pip or conda?" 这样你就不用问“pip还是conda?” anymore. 了。

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