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使用zenity的bash脚本在终端中工作但不在php shell_exec中工作

[英]bash script using zenity works in terminal but not in php shell_exec

I'm not familar with zenity or shell-exec so I may have made a silly mistake... 我不熟悉zenity或shell-exec所以我可能犯了一个愚蠢的错误......

The following command line works in an Ubuntu terminal window; 以下命令行在Ubuntu终端窗口中工作;

PASSWD="$(zenity --password --title=Authentication)"; echo -e $PASSWD | sudo -S nmap -A;

It puts up a GUI dialogue box to ask for the password and then nmap runs correctly. 它会打开一个GUI对话框来询问密码,然后nmap正确运行。

If I put the following code in a php file on my local machine, served by Apache: 如果我将以下代码放在我的本地机器上的php文件中,由Apache提供服务:

$network = '';
$cmd = 'PASSWD="$(zenity --password --title=Authentication)"; echo -e $PASSWD | sudo -S nmap -A ' . $network;
echo $cmd;
$output3 = rtrim(shell_exec($cmd));
echo ($output3);

then $cmd is output as 然后$ cmd输出为

PASSWD="$(zenity --password --title=Authentication)"; echo -e $PASSWD | sudo -S nmap -A 

but nothing else happens. 但没有别的事情发生。

I looked at run zenity from php and tried giving this command first from a terminal: 从php看了一下运行zenity并尝试从终端首先发出这个命令:

xhost local:www-data

but that did not help. 但这没有帮助。

Running, for example, "ls" from shell_exec works fine. 例如,从shell_exec运行“ls”可以正常运行。

I would welcome any suggestions. 我欢迎任何建议。

I would use this: 我会用这个:

pkexec nmap -A

pkexec replaces gksudo in newer distributions. pkexec在较新的发行版中替换了gksudo。

@danielsedoff I created a file "com.ubuntu.pkexec.nmap.policy" in folder /usr/share/polkit-1 with these contents: @danielsedoff我在/ usr / share / polkit-1文件夹中创建了一个文件“com.ubuntu.pkexec.nmap.policy”,其中包含以下内容:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
  "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"

  <action id="com.ubuntu.pkexec.nmap">
    <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/bin/nmap</annotate>


The command in my php file 我的php文件中的命令

pkexec --user root nmap -A

now works as I hoped without needing interactive authorisation from the user. 现在按照我的希望工作,无需用户的交互授权。 Thanks. 谢谢。

You can try this This will help you to find the shell_exec function errors: 你可以尝试这个这将帮助你找到shell_exec函数错误:

Add 2>&1 to you Command 在命令中添加2>&1

Check the below changes: 检查以下更改:

$network = '';
$cmd = 'PASSWD="$(zenity --password --title=Authentication)"; echo -e $PASSWD | sudo -S nmap -A ' . $network.' 2>&1 ';
echo $cmd;
$output3 = rtrim(shell_exec($cmd));
echo ($output3);

Tryout out the above code . 试用上面的代码。 i have added 2>&1 at the end of $cmd. 我在$ cmd结束时添加了2>&1。

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