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命令通过终端正常工作,但不能通过shell_exec php运行

[英]command works fine through terminal but not shell_exec php

Got a weird issue i have installed wav2png on my mac osx with lion now and works fine when using terminal no problem but when i try to run it using shell_exec with php like below 出现一个奇怪的问题,我现在已经在狮子的mac osx上安装了wav2png,并且在使用终端时可以正常工作,但是当我尝试使用shell_exec和php来运行它时,如下所示

$wav2png = shell_exec("cd {$targetDir} && /usr/bin/wav2png --foreground-color=000000ff --background-color=00000000 -o example2.png f86150f88d.wav 2>&1");
echo "<pre>" . $wav2png . "</pre>";

I get the output 我得到了输出

dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpng15.15.dylib
  Referenced from: /usr/bin/wav2png
  Reason: Incompatible library version: wav2png requires version 28.0.0 or later, but libpng15.15.dylib provides version 23.0.0

Cant find a way to update libpng??? 无法找到更新libpng的方法???

Any suggestions why it will work fine through terminal but not shell_exec php? 有什么建议为什么它可以通过终端正常运行,但不能通过shell_exec php正常运行?

I think problem is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and/or with library paths in general. 我认为问题出在LD_LIBRARY_PATH和/或库路径中。

Go to shell and type 转到外壳并输入



ldd /usr/bin/wav2png

Do exact same from php script (be sure to grab output from these commands) and compare, I'm pretty sure you find the answer. 从php脚本执行完全相同的操作(请确保从这些命令中获取输出)并进行比较,我很确定您找到了答案。

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