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[英]Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string[]'

I've been scouring the web for a solution to this, what probably is, a minor problem.我一直在网上寻找解决方案,这可能是一个小问题。

My function on one ts.我在一个 ts 上的功能。 file:文件:

public getHelpContent(question: string[]) {

  let theHelp: any[] = [];
  theHelp = this.mssqlService.getTheHelpAnswer(question);
  console.log("THE HELP:", theHelp);
  this.commentContent = theHelp ;

  let foundContent: any[] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < this.commentContent.length; i++) {
    let hitContent: string[];
    hitContent = this.searchHelpItem(question, this.commentContent[i]);
    if (hitContent) {

  return theHelp;


The function on the mssql-service.ts file mssql-service.ts 文件上的函数

getTheHelpAnswer(jsonObj: any): any {
  let body = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
  console.log("BODY VAR: ", body);
  return this.http
    .post<any>(`${this.urlLocation}notification/TheHelp`, body)
    .map((response: Response) => response.json())

and the HANDLE ERROR for prosperity...和处理繁荣的错误......

private handleError(error: Response | any) {

  let errMsg: string;
  if (error instanceof Response) {
    const body = error || '';
    const err = JSON.stringify(body);
    errMsg = `${error.status} - ${error.statusText || ''} ${err}`;
  } else {
    errMsg = error.message ? error.message : error.toString();
  return Observable.throw(errMsg);

} }

the ERROR I GET on compile is this:我在编译时遇到的错误是:

error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string[]'

When I change the :any here from:当我更改 :any 这里的内容时:

getTheHelpAnswer(jsonObj: any): any { 


getTheHelpAnswer(jsonObj: any): Observable<any> { ...

this is the error I get:这是我得到的错误:

ERROR in src/app/app-help-state-machine.ts(364,5): error TS2322: Type 'Observable<any>' is not assignable to type 'any[]'.
  Property 'includes' is missing in type 'Observable<any>'.
src/app/app-help-state-machine.ts(371,50): error TS2345: 
Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string[]'.

I don't understand what the problem is.我不明白问题是什么。


I forgot to add the signature of the FUNCTION我忘了添加 FUNCTION 的签名

public getHelpContent(question: string[]): any[] { ...

But I still get this...但我仍然得到这个...

ERROR in src/app/app-help-state-machine.ts(364,5): error TS2322: Type 
'Observable<any>' is not assignable to type 'any[]'.
      Property 'includes' is missing in type 'Observable<any>'.
src/app/app-help-state-machine.ts(371,50): error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string[]'.

UPDATE 2:更新 2:

I figured it out...我想到了...

See solution where I answered my own question....请参阅我回答自己问题的解决方案....

Here's the solution:这是解决方案:

I changed this function:我改变了这个功能:

public getHelpContent(question: string[]) {

  let theHelp: any[] = [];
  theHelp = this.mssqlService.getTheHelpAnswer(question);
  console.log("THE HELP:", theHelp);
  this.commentContent = theHelp ;

  let foundContent: any[] = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < this.commentContent.length; i++) {
    let hitContent: string[];
    hitContent = this.searchHelpItem(question, this.commentContent[i]);
    if (hitContent) {

  return theHelp;


to this:对此:

public getHelpContent(question: string[]): string[] {

  const questionInfo = {
    "question": question

  let theHelp = this.mssqlService.getTheHelpAnswer(questionInfo, question);
  console.log("THE HELP:", theHelp);

//Commented this out... as it caused the issue

//    this.commentContent = theHelp;
//    let foundContent: any[] = [];
//    for (let i = 0; i < this.commentContent.length; i++) {
//      let hitContent: string[];
//      hitContent = this.searchHelpItem(question, this.commentContent[i]);
//      if (hitContent) {
//        foundContent.push(hitContent);
//      }
//    }

  return lucyHelp;


and on the mssql-connect.service.ts file, the receiving function并在 mssql-connect.service.ts 文件中,接收函数

Changing this:改变这一点:

getTheHelpAnswer(jsonObj: any): any {
   let body = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
   console.log("BODY VAR: ", body);
   return this.http
       .post<any>(`${this.urlLocation}notification/TheHelp`, body)
       .map((response: Response) => response.json())

to this...到这...

getTheHelpAnswer(jsonObj: any, question: string[]): string[] {
   let body = JSON.stringify(jsonObj);
   console.log("BODY VAR: ", body);

   let result = this.http
     .post<any>(`${this.urlLocation}notification/TheHelp${question}`, body)
     .map((response: Response) => response.json())

   console.log("RESULT FROM HTTP: ", result);

  return result ;

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