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[英]How to get distance from object to spatial mapping

I'm working with Unity 2017.4, the HoloToolKit 2017.4.3, Vuforia and the Hololens.我正在使用 Unity 2017.4、HoloToolKit 2017.4.3、Vuforia 和 Hololens。 How can I calculate the distance of a virtual object to the spatial mapping of the Hololens?如何计算虚拟对象到 Hololens 空间映射的距离? I only need the distance in the Z coordinate, like in "how many meters above the floor is my object".我只需要 Z 坐标中的距离,例如“我的物体离地面多少米”。

As u didnt provide much information, here my first idea.由于你没有提供太多信息,这里是我的第一个想法。 Raycast from the object down to ground/ceiling and take the distance.从物体向下投射到地面/天花板并测量距离。

     RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit();
     if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit)) {
         var distanceToGround = hit.distance;

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