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[英]Sonarlint Violations for Guava Suppliers used with Memoize

I am using Guava Suppliers to memoize and reload some data after fixed time some in my class. 我正在使用Guava Suppliers在班级中固定时间后记忆和重新加载一些数据。 Recently sonarlint started generating warning with message such as 'Java 8 features should be preferred to Guava (squid:S4738)'. 最近,sonarlint开始生成警告消息,例如“ Guava应该首选Java 8功能(squid:S4738)”。

Can anyone tell me i can actually use Java Supplier here in any way to achieve the same functionality? 谁能告诉我我可以在这里实际使用Java Supplier以实现相同的功能吗?

Code Sample 代码样例

private final Supplier<Set<Integer>> cache = Suppliers.memoizewithExpiration(fetchData(), 1, TimeUnit.DAYS);

Use import java.util.function.Supplier instead of com.google.common.base.Supplier . 使用import java.util.function.Supplier而不是com.google.common.base.Supplier

Guava's Supplier extends Java's Supplier so it's safe to use. Guava的Supplier扩展了Java的Supplier因此可以安全使用。

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