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Xamarin.Forms Android推送通知不会出现

[英]Xamarin.Forms Android Push Notification Doesn't Appear

I am using azure hub notification. 我正在使用azure hub通知。 I am developing my app in Xamarin.Forms . 我正在使用Xamarin.Forms开发我的应用程序。 For android I can get notification when I test it hits to debug and i can show a DisplayAlert for that. 对于android我可以在测试时获得通知命中调试,我可以显示一个DisplayAlert

But I cannot show it as notification. 但我无法将其显示为通知。 I searched and after android oreo I should create a notification channel. 我搜索并在android oreo之后我应该创建一个通知渠道。

But I don't know how to do it. 但我不知道该怎么做。 They are saying that you should create a notification id in your strings.xml but I don't have strings.xml file. 他们说你应该在strings.xml创建一个通知id,但我没有strings.xml文件。 I dont know how to do it, can anyone help? 我不知道怎么做,有人可以帮忙吗?

internal static readonly string CHANNEL_ID = "cross_channel";
    void CreateNotification(string title, string desc)
        var notificationManager = GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService)
            as NotificationManager;

        var uiIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity));
        var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, RandomGenerator(), uiIntent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot);
        var notification = new Notification(Android.Resource.Drawable.ButtonMinus, title)
            Flags = NotificationFlags.AutoCancel
        notification.SetLatestEventInfo(this, title, desc,
            PendingIntent.GetActivity(this, 0, uiIntent, 0));

        if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.O)
            var channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID,
                                      "Cross Notifications",

            string channelId = "Cross Channel";
            var notBuilder = new Notification.Builder(Application.Context, CHANNEL_ID).SetContentTitle(title).SetContentText(desc).SetSmallIcon(Android.Resource.Drawable.StarBigOn).SetAutoCancel(true); 
            notificationManager.Notify(1, notBuilder.Build());

            channel.Description = (desc); 
            notificationManager.Notify(RandomGenerator(), notBuilder.Build());

In the MainActivity.cs You can call this method in the onCreate method : MainActivity.cs您可以在onCreate方法中调用此方法:

void CreateNotificationChannel()
        if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt < BuildVersionCodes.O)
            // Notification channels are new in API 26 (and not a part of the
            // support library). There is no need to create a notification 
            // channel on older versions of Android.

        var channel = new NotificationChannel(CHANNEL_ID, "FCM Notifications", NotificationImportance.Default)
                          Description = "Firebase Cloud Messages appear in this channel"

        var notificationManager = (NotificationManager) GetSystemService(NotificationService);

Where 哪里

    internal static readonly string CHANNEL_ID = "my_notification_channel";
    internal static readonly int NOTIFICATION_ID = 100; 

are the definition for channel id and notification id respectively. 分别是通道ID和通知ID的定义。

In the MainActivity's OnCreate after loading XF call this : 在加载XF后的MainActivity的OnCreate中调用:

LoadApplication(new App());

Good luck 祝好运

Revert in case of queries 在查询时还原

I had a bit of trouble getting notifications properly showing on with Xamarin.Forms also. 我在使用Xamarin.Forms正确显示通知时遇到了一些麻烦。 I'm assuming you have overridden the "OnMessageReceived" event and you're calling "CreateNotification" directly? 我假设你已经覆盖了“OnMessageReceived”事件并且你直接调用了“CreateNotification”? In the end, this was the code that worked for me: 最后,这是对我有用的代码:

private void ShowNotification(RemoteMessage msg, IDictionary<string, string> data)
    var intent = new Intent();

    foreach (var key in data.Keys)
        intent.PutExtra(key, data[key]);

    var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetActivity(Android.App.Application.Context, 100, intent, PendingIntentFlags.OneShot);

    var notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(Android.App.Application.Context) // Note: Everything I read online said to provide the ChannelID string here, but doing so caused it to not display notifications.
.SetSmallIcon(Resource.Drawable.abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000) // You can set this to your apps icon
.SetContentIntent(pendingIntent) // Even though intent here is empty, you *may* need to include it for the notification to show, I never tried without one.

     var notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.From(Android.App.Application.Context);
            notificationManager.Notify(100, notificationBuilder.Build());

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