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[英]How to delete first level of headers of a Dataframe in R?

I created a data frame from an aggregate - function. 我从聚合函数创建了一个数据框。 The length of the data-frame is two. 数据帧的长度为两个。 However when I print the data-frame out 5 columns appear. 但是,当我打印出数据框时,会出现5列。 How does R handle headers and sub headers in a data frame? R如何处理数据帧中的标头和子标头? How can I get rid of the first level of headers if this is the case here? 如果是这种情况,我如何摆脱头文件的第一级?

d <- data.frame("User id"=c(1,1,2,3,1),
                block=c("north","south","east","west","south"), check.names = F)

f <- function(l, vec) {
  vec[l] <- 1

vec <- setNames(rep(0, 4), levels(d$block))
df <- aggregate(block~`User id`, d, f, vec)

These are the outputs that confuse me: 这些输出使我感到困惑:

[1] "User id" "block"

> df
  User id block.east block.north block.south block.west
1       1          0           1           1          0
2       2          1           0           0          0
3       3          0           0           0          1

This is what I want to have: 这就是我想要的:

 > names(df)
 > "User id" "block.east" "block.north" "block.south" "block.west"

We can do this more easily with table 我们可以用table更轻松地做到这一点

out <- as.data.frame.matrix(+(table(d) > 0))
names(df) <- paste0("block.", names(df))

Regarding the issue in OP's output, it is a matrix column, 关于OP输出中的问题,它是一个matrix列,

#'data.frame':  3 obs. of  2 variables:
# $ User id: num  1 2 3
# $ block  : num [1:3, 1:4] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
#   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#  .. ..$ : NULL
#  .. ..$ : chr  "east" "north" "south" "west"

so we can convert to regular data.frame with 因此我们可以将其转换为常规data.frame

df <- do.call(data.frame, df)
#[1] "User.id"     "block.east"  "block.north" "block.south" "block.west" 

#'data.frame':  3 obs. of  5 variables:
# $ User.id    : num  1 2 3
# $ block.east : num  0 1 0
# $ block.north: num  1 0 0
# $ block.south: num  1 0 0
# $ block.west : num  0 0 1

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