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[英]Limiting records in a one-to-many join

I'm trying to generate a list of records where the header contains a single record and the FIRST entry in the log denotes the creation date of the record. 我正在尝试生成记录列表,其中标头包含单个记录,并且日志中的FIRST条目表示记录的创建日期。 All other detail records are unnecessary and create multiple results when I only need the first. 所有其他详细记录都是不必要的,并且在我只需要第一个时会创建多个结果。

I've tried "group by", self joins, distinct, etc, but so far nothing I've done has the intended effect. 我已经尝试过“分组依据”,自我加入,独立等,但是到目前为止,我所做的一切都没有达到预期的效果。 I feel like I'm missing something really obvious here. 我觉得我在这里确实缺少一些明显的东西。

This is what I'm working with: 这就是我正在使用的:

FROM dbo.table i (NOLOCK)

JOIN dbo.log l ON i.id = l.id

JOIN dbo.LU_Table c ON i.id = c.ID

WHERE l.CreateDate > '2019-04-01'

AND l.CreateDate < '2019-04-30'

I would like to see: 我想看看:

ID# 1, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 3, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 4, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description

Instead, I get: 相反,我得到:

ID# 1, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 1, 04/06/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 1, 04/07/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 1, 04/08/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 1, 04/09/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/05/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/06/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/07/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/08/2019, Department, Product, Description
ID# 2, 04/09/2019, Department, Product, Description

The easiest way i think would be to put Order By after your where clause. 我认为最简单的方法是将Order By放在where子句之后。 so it would look like ORDER BY l.CreateDate, i.id ASC and that should do the trick. 因此它看起来像是ORDER BY l.CreateDate, i.id ASC ,应该可以解决问题。

You would seem to want: 您似乎想要:

SELECT i.id, l.CreateDate, i.departmentname, i.productkey, c.Description
FROM dbo.table i JOIN
     (SELECT l.id, MIN(l.CreateDate) as CreateDate
      FROM dbo.log l
      GROUP BY l.id
     ) l
     ON i.id = l.id JOIN
     dbo.LU_Table c
     ON i.id = c.ID
WHERE l.CreateDate > '2019-04-01' AND
      l.CreateDate < '2019-04-30';

What I understood from query is that there are the table name table i has single record for id and the log table may have multiple record against each ID . 我从查询中了解到的是,有一个表名表我有一个ID记录,而日志表可能有多个记录针对每个ID。

You can achieve this by creating a derived table for log table. 您可以通过为日志表创建派生表来实现。

Derived Table 衍生表

Select  row_number() over(partition by ID order by ID) srno     
          , ID 
          , creation_date
   From log

Try this 尝试这个

FROM dbo.table i (NOLOCK)
JOIN (Select  row_number() over(partition by ID order by ID) srno       
              , ID 
              , creation_date
       From log ) l  on l.id = i.id and  l.srno = 1

JOIN dbo.LU_Table c ON i.id = c.ID
WHERE l.CreateDate > '2019-04-01'

AND l.CreateDate < '2019-04-30'

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