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读取、处理和显示 .EXR 格式图像中的像素

[英]Read, process and show the pixels in .EXR format images

I want to read the exr file format images and see the pixel intensities in the corresponding location.我想读取 exr 文件格式的图像并查看相应位置的像素强度。 And also wanted to stack them together to give them into a neural network.并且还想将它们堆叠在一起以将它们组成一个神经网络。 How can I do the normal image processing on these kind of formats?如何对这些格式进行正常的图像处理? Please help me in doing this!请帮我做这件事!

I have tried this code using OpenEXR file but unable to proceed further.我已经使用 OpenEXR 文件尝试了此代码,但无法继续进行。

import OpenEXR
file = OpenEXR.InputFile('file_name.exr')

I am expected to see the normal image processing tools like我预计会看到正常的图像处理工具,例如

file.write('another format')
file.append('another exr file')

OpenEXR seems to be lacking the fancy image processing features such as displaying images or saving the image to a different format. OpenEXR 似乎缺乏花哨的图像处理功能,例如显示图像或将图像保存为不同的格式。 For this I would suggest you using OpenCV , which is full of image processing features.为此,我建议您使用OpenCV ,它具有丰富的图像处理功能。

What you may need to do is:您可能需要做的是:

  • Read exr using OpenEXR only, then extract channels and convert them to numpy arrays as rCh = np.asarray(rCh, dtype=np.uint8)仅使用OpenEXR读取exr ,然后提取通道并将它们转换为 numpy 数组,如rCh = np.asarray(rCh, dtype=np.uint8)
  • Create a RGB image from these numpy arrays as img_rgb = cv2.merge([b, g, r]) .从这些 numpy 数组创建一个 RGB 图像,如img_rgb = cv2.merge([b, g, r])
  • Use OpenCV functions for your listed operations:将 OpenCV 函数用于您列出的操作:
    • Size: img_rgb.shape尺寸: img_rgb.shape
    • Show: cv2.imshow(img_rgb)显示: cv2.imshow(img_rgb)
    • Write: cv2.imwrite("path/to/file.jpg", img_rgb)写入: cv2.imwrite("path/to/file.jpg", img_rgb)
    • Min: np.min(b) , np.min(g) , np.min(r)最小值: np.min(b)np.min(g)np.min(r)
    • Extract channels: b, g, r = cv2.split(img_rgb)提取通道: b, g, r = cv2.split(img_rgb)

There is an example on the OpenEXR webpage: OpenEXR 网页上有一个例子

import sys
import array
import OpenEXR
import Imath

if len(sys.argv) != 3:
    print "usage: exrnormalize.py exr-input-file exr-output-file"

# Open the input file
file = OpenEXR.InputFile(sys.argv[1])

# Compute the size
dw = file.header()['dataWindow']
sz = (dw.max.x - dw.min.x + 1, dw.max.y - dw.min.y + 1)

# Read the three color channels as 32-bit floats
FLOAT = Imath.PixelType(Imath.PixelType.FLOAT)
(R,G,B) = [array.array('f', file.channel(Chan, FLOAT)).tolist() for Chan in ("R", "G", "B") ]

After this, you should have three arrays of floating point data, one per channel.在此之后,您应该拥有三个浮点数据数组,每个通道一个。 You could easily convert these to numpy arrays and proceed with opencv as user @ZdaR suggests.您可以轻松地将这些转换为numpy数组,并按照用户@ZdaR 的建议继续使用opencv

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