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[英]How to integrate wit.ai into website chat window?

There is a handy option in DialogFlow to integrate it into a website without any hassle. DialogFlow 中有一个方便的选项,可以轻松将其集成到网站中。 Is there any option of the same kind for wit.ai? wit.ai 有没有类似的选项? What are the steps to do so?这样做的步骤是什么?

如果您想使用机智将机器人部署在您的网站上,您实际上可以使用他们的客户网络聊天(就像将您的信使部署在您的网站上一样),请参阅此处的文档: https : //developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-平台/发现/客户聊天插件/

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