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[英]How to multiply [Batch_Size, A, B] tensor by [Batch_Size, B] tensor to yield [Batch_Size, A] tensor?

Question as in title — how do I multiply two tensors of those shapes to yield a tensor of that shape? 标题中的问题 - 如何将这些形状的两个张量相乘以产生该形状的张量?

[Batch_Size, A, B] x [Batch_Size, B] = [Batch_Size, A]

tf.matmul() requires the tensors be of the same rank. tf.matmul()要求张量具有相同的等级。

import tensorflow as tf

tensor1 = tf.zeros([10, 64, 64])
tensor2 = tf.zeros([10, 64])

# dot = tf.matmul(tensor1, tensor2)  # NOT THIS
dot = tf.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', tensor1, tensor2)

with tf.Session() as sess:

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