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[英]How to avoid boxing/unboxing of a large dynamic object?

I need to multiply two relatively large matrices and do it many times (in a loop). 我需要将两个相对较大的矩阵相乘并多次执行(在循环中)。 However, the format (type of objects) how these matrices are stored in the memory should be chosen by user. 但是,应该由用户选择这些矩阵如何存储在存储器中的格式(对象类型)。 There are three possibilities: 有三种可能性:

  1. double [,] M1; double [,] M2; ( two-dimensional arrays) (二维数组)

  2. double[][] M1; double [][]M2; ( jagged arrays). (锯齿状阵列)。

  3. Matrix <double> M1;Matrix <double> M2; ( Math Net Numerics format). (Math Net数字格式)。

Each format suits a corresponding method ( taken from a numerical library as you may have already guessed). 每种格式都适合相应的方法(取自您可能已经猜到的数值库)。 I need to avoid boxing and unboxing at all cost ( since its expensive) so the following code will not work for me ( unless you tell me that boxing/unboxing is cheaper than fast matrix multiplication): 我需要不惜一切代价避免装箱和拆箱(因为价格昂贵)所以以下代码对我不起作用(除非你告诉我装箱/拆箱比快速矩阵乘法便宜):

object M1;
object M2;

switch case 
    case 1:
        M1 = new double[rows,columns];

One way to solve it is very straightforward: just to declare 6 matrices( 6 variables) and at runtime initialize two of them. 解决它的一种方法非常简单:只需声明6个矩阵(6个变量)并在运行时初始化其中两个。 But this looks ugly and will make the code much more complicated. 但这看起来很丑陋,会让代码变得更加复杂。

My question: is there any elegant solution of this problem? 我的问题:这个问题有没有优雅的解决方案? I am new to C# but the searching over the site did not help me much. 我是C#的新手,但在网站上搜索对我没什么帮助。

Yes, you are all right, there is no boxing/unboxing here. 是的,你没事,这里没有拳击/拆箱。 I figured out what I want and need to do. 我想出了我想要和需要做的事情。 I will create an interface which declares some matrix methods: 我将创建一个声明一些矩阵方法的接口:

interface MatrixMethods
   void MatrixIni();
   void DoMultiplication();
   double ReturnFinalResult();
// etc

Then I will use a generic class: 然后我将使用泛型类:

class MatrixStorage <T> 
  protected T M1;
  protected T M2;
// etc

and finally the needed class: 最后需要的课程:

    class MatrixMult<T> : MatrixStorage<T> , MatrixMethods
    public void MatrixIni()
        //etc Matrix random ini
    public void DoMultiplication()
        // multiplication
    public double ReturnFinalResult()
        // compute output
    MatrixMult(params int[] input)
        // ini


and, then I instantiate the class and do calculations: 然后我实例化该类并进行计算:

MatrixMethods newMatrixMult;
newMatrixMult = new MatrixMult<UserMatrixType>(userData);
double result = newMatrixMult.ReturnFinalResult

I apologize for a misleading question. 我为一个误导性的问题道歉。 Best 最好

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