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[英]Type inference of generic types

I was trying to make something like this work. 我试图做这样的事情。 The point is that I have some Interface , then a Goo class that has one generic type that extends said interface. 关键是我有一些Interface ,然后是一个Goo类,该类具有扩展该接口的通用类型。

interface Interface { a: string; }
class Goo<T extends Interface> { props: T }
class Foo<T extends Goo<T["props"]>> {}

I would like to create a Foo class that takes generic type that extends this generic Goo . 我想创建一个Foo类,该类采用扩展此通用Goo通用类型。 Problem is that Goo expects a generic argument, which I tried to use the T["props"] for, but the syntax checker is showing error that that type does not satisfy the interface. 问题是Goo需要一个通用参数,该参数我曾尝试使用T["props"] ,但是语法检查器显示该类型不满足接口的错误。

Usage of said class would look something like this: 所述类的用法如下所示:

class Impl implements Interface { a: string; }
type Boo = Foo<Goo<Impl>>;


class Foo<T extends Goo<Interface>> {}

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