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tensorflow中levenberg marquardt优化的实现

[英]Implementation of levenberg marquardt optimization in tensorflow

I wanted to check if the Levenberg Marquardt optimization has been implemented in TensorFlow. I have typically used Adam optimizer in the past but I read that Levenberg Marquardt optimization works better for non-linear datasets.我想检查 Levenberg Marquardt 优化是否已在 TensorFlow 中实现。我过去通常使用 Adam 优化器,但我读到 Levenberg Marquardt 优化对于非线性数据集效果更好。 Does anybody know if this is available in Tensorflow?有人知道这在 Tensorflow 中是否可用吗?

Yes, Levenberg marquardt optimizer is available in TensorFlow inside Tensorflow_Graphics module and can be accessed using tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt .是的, Levenberg marquardt优化器在TensorFlow模块内的Tensorflow_Graphics中可用,可以使用tfg.math.optimizer.levenberg_marquardt访问。 For this, you need to install tensorflow-graphics first.为此,您需要先安装tensorflow-graphics Please check the code below:请检查以下代码:

!pip install tensorflow-graphics
import tensorflow_graphics as tfg
from tensorflow_graphics.math.optimizer import levenberg_marquardt

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