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使用 Miller 按列拆分巨大的 CSV

[英]Split huge CSV by columns with Miller

I need to split huge (>1 Gb) CSV files containing 50K+ columns each on a daily basis.我需要每天拆分包含 50K+ 列的巨大 (>1 Gb) CSV 文件。

I've found Miller as an interesting and performant tool for such a task.我发现Miller是完成此类任务的有趣且高效的工具。

But I'm stuck on Miller's documentation.但我坚持使用 Miller 的文档。

How could I split one CSV to N smaller CSV files where N is a number of rows in my source file?我如何将一个 CSV 拆分为N个较小的 CSV 文件,其中N是源文件中的行数?

try with this script试试这个脚本

mlr --csv put -S 'if (NR % 10000 == 0) {$rule=NR} else {$rule = ""}' \
then fill-down -f rule \
then put -S 'if ($rule=="") {$rule="0"}' \
then put -q 'tee > $rule.".csv", $*' input.csv

Make a copy of your CSV in a new folder, and then run this script on it.在新文件夹中复制您的 CSV,然后在其上运行此脚本。 It will produce a csv file for every 10000 rows.它将为每 10000 行生成一个 csv 文件。

the answer from aborruso does add a new column rule to the output csv files. aborruso 的回答确实向输出 csv 文件添加了一个新的列rule If you want to avoid this, use emit with mapexcept instead of tee in the last step, like this:如果您想避免这种情况,请在最后一步中使用带有mapexceptemit而不是tee ,如下所示:

mlr --csv put -S 'if (NR % 10000 == 0) {$rule=NR} else {$rule = ""}' \
then fill-down -f rule \
then put -S 'if ($rule=="") {$rule="0"}' \
then put -q 'emit > $rule.".csv", mapexcept($*, "rule")' input.csv

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