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[英]Is there a reason why my GUI builder doesn't match the reference images on codenameone's website?

I'm working on the front end for an app in my CS class and I want to use the new GUI builder since previously I've been using the old one. 我正在CS类中为一个应用程序开发前端,并且由于以前我一直在使用旧的GUI构建器,所以我想使用新的GUI构建器。 I looked up videos on how to use the new builder and realized that the builder in the tutorials doesn't match what's on my screen making it hard to work with. 我查看了有关如何使用新构建器的视频,并意识到教程中的构建器与屏幕上的显示不匹配,因此很难使用。 Is there anything I can do to fix this or should I just adjust to the different layout? 我可以做些什么来解决此问题,还是应该调整为其他布局?

CodenameOne example: 代号一个例子:


My example: 我的例子:


There are more options and more features but if you'll look at the actual buttons within the UI you will notice that they are identical. 有更多选项和更多功能,但是如果您查看UI中的实际按钮,您会发现它们是相同的。 Once you place components in (which you drag from the right side) you will see a UI that's similar to the one in the first picture. 将组件放入其中(从右侧拖动)后,您将看到一个与第一张图片相似的UI。 Notice you need to click on the accordion in the right side to expand it. 注意,您需要单击右侧的手风琴将其展开。

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