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[英]Sort Algorithm Visualization: How to pull values to animate the canvas, from inside a tight loop

I am working on a visualization of different sorting algorithms using the height of different bars with tkinter. 我正在使用tkinter使用不同条形的高度来可视化不同排序算法。 I have been able to shuffle the bars and also sort them after some help. 我已经能够重新整理酒吧,并在得到一些帮助后对其进行排序。 The problem I am having now is slowing the sorting of the bars down so it can be seen how each algorithm works. 我现在遇到的问题是减慢条形的排序速度,因此可以看出每种算法的工作原理。 Here is what I have so far: 这是我到目前为止的内容:

import tkinter as tk
import random

def swap_two_pos(pos_0, pos_1):
    Bar1x1, _, Bar1x2, _ = canvas.coords(pos_0)
    Bar2x1, _, Bar2x2, _ = canvas.coords(pos_1)
    canvas.move(pos_0, Bar2x1-Bar1x1, 0)
    canvas.move(pos_1, Bar1x2-Bar2x2, 0)

def insertion_sort():
    global barList
    global lengthList

    for i in range(len(lengthList)):
        cursor = lengthList[i]
        cursorBar = barList[i]
        pos = i

        while pos > 0 and lengthList[pos - 1] > cursor:
            lengthList[pos] = lengthList[pos - 1]
            barList[pos], barList[pos - 1] = barList[pos - 1], barList[pos]
            pos -= 1

        lengthList[pos] = cursor
        barList[pos] = cursorBar

def shuffle():
    global barList
    global lengthList
    xstart = 5
    xend = 15
    barList = []
    lengthList = []

    for x in range(1,60):
        randomY = random.randint(1,390)
        x = canvas.create_rectangle(xstart,randomY,xend,395, fill='red')
        xstart += 10
        xend += 10

    for bar in barList:
        x = canvas.coords(bar)
        length = x[3]-x[1]

    for i in range(len(lengthList)-1):
        if lengthList[i] == min(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='blue')
        elif lengthList[i] == max(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='green')

window = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width='600', height='400')
canvas.grid(column=0,row=0, columnspan = 50)

insert = tk.Button(window, text='Insertion Sort', command=insertion_sort)
shuf = tk.Button(window, text='Shuffle', command=shuffle)
shuf.grid(column=0, row=1)


As you can see I tried using the after() method in the insertion sort function, but all it does is freeze the window and make it not respond. 如您所见,我尝试在插入排序函数中使用after()方法,但是它所做的只是冻结窗口并使其不响应。 Without that method, it works fine, just doesn't go at a pace that can be seen. 如果没有该方法,它将无法正常工作,只是步伐不明显。

Making use of a generator function (keyword yield ), you can suspend the execution of the code mid loop to take the time to display the canvas elements that have changed, update calculations, etc., then resume the execution upon calling next on the generator repeatedly, until completion of the sort. 利用生成器函数(关键字yield ),您可以暂停代码中间循环的执行,以花时间显示已更改的画布元素,更新计算等,然后在调用生成器中的next时恢复执行反复,直到排序完成。

I put some comments in the code, but the best way, is probably to stare at it until you convince yourself that it works as it is supposed to. 我在代码中添加了一些注释,但是最好的方法可能是盯着它,直到您确信自己可以按预期工作为止。 This is a pattern that you need to understand, as it is very useful to construct the sort of animations you want to build. 这是您需要了解的一种模式,因为它对构造您想要构建的动画非常有用。

import tkinter as tk
import random

def swap_two_pos(pos_0, pos_1):
    Bar1x1, _, Bar1x2, _ = canvas.coords(pos_0)
    Bar2x1, _, Bar2x2, _ = canvas.coords(pos_1)
    canvas.move(pos_0, Bar2x1-Bar1x1, 0)
    canvas.move(pos_1, Bar1x2-Bar2x2, 0)

def _insertion_sort():
    global barList
    global lengthList

    for i in range(len(lengthList)):
        cursor = lengthList[i]
        cursorBar = barList[i]
        pos = i

        while pos > 0 and lengthList[pos - 1] > cursor:
            lengthList[pos] = lengthList[pos - 1]
            barList[pos], barList[pos - 1] = barList[pos - 1], barList[pos]
            swap_two_pos(barList[pos],barList[pos-1])   # <-- updates the display
            yield                                       # <-- suspends the execution
            pos -= 1                                    # <-- execution resumes here when next is called

        lengthList[pos] = cursor
        barList[pos] = cursorBar

worker = None    # <-- Not a thread in spite of the name.

def insertion_sort():     # <-- commands the start of both the animation, and the sort
    global worker
    worker = _insertion_sort()

def animate():      # <-- commands resuming the sort once the display has been updated
                    # controls the pace of the animation
    global worker
    if worker is not None:
            window.after(10, animate)    # <-- repeats until the sort is complete,
        except StopIteration:            # when the generator is exhausted
            worker = None
            window.after_cancel(animate) # <-- stop the callbacks

def shuffle():
    global barList
    global lengthList
    xstart = 5
    xend = 15
    barList = []
    lengthList = []

    for x in range(1, 60):
        randomY = random.randint(1, 390)
        x = canvas.create_rectangle(xstart, randomY, xend, 395, fill='red')
        xstart += 10
        xend += 10

    for bar in barList:
        x = canvas.coords(bar)
        length = x[3] - x[1]

    for i in range(len(lengthList)-1):
        if lengthList[i] == min(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='blue')
        elif lengthList[i] == max(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='green')

window = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width='600', height='400')
canvas.grid(column=0,row=0, columnspan = 50)

insert = tk.Button(window, text='Insertion Sort', command=insertion_sort)
shuf = tk.Button(window, text='Shuffle', command=shuffle)
shuf.grid(column=0, row=1)


the time consuming function is "swap_two_pos()" which is catastrophic and you run it every loop, what you should do is finishing your sorting then redraw the bars again, below is your code modified working without GUI freeze, added a function and removed "swap_two_pos()" func. 耗时的函数是“ swap_two_pos()”,这是灾难性的,您需要在每个循环中运行它,您应该做的是完成排序,然后重新绘制条形图,下面是修改后的代码,不冻结GUI,添加了一个函数,并删除了它swap_two_pos()”功能。

import tkinter as tk
import random

def insertion_sort():
    global barList
    global lengthList

    for i in range(len(lengthList)):
        cursor = lengthList[i]
        cursorBar = barList[i]
        pos = i

        while pos > 0 and lengthList[pos - 1] > cursor:
            lengthList[pos] = lengthList[pos - 1]
            barList[pos], barList[pos - 1] = barList[pos - 1], barList[pos]
            # canvas.after(1000,swap_two_pos(barList[pos],barList[pos-1]))
            pos -= 1

        lengthList[pos] = cursor
        barList[pos] = cursorBar
        # swap_two_pos(barList[pos],cursorBar)

def refresh():
    xstart = 5
    xend = 15

    for i, length in enumerate(lengthList): #range(1,60):
        y = random.randint(1,390)
        x = canvas.create_rectangle(xstart,length,xend,395, fill='red')
        xstart += 10
        xend += 10

def shuffle():
    global barList
    global lengthList
    xstart = 5
    xend = 15
    barList = []
    lengthList = []

    for x in range(1,60):
        randomY = random.randint(1,390)
        x = canvas.create_rectangle(xstart,randomY,xend,395, fill='red')
        xstart += 10
        xend += 10

    for bar in barList:
        x = canvas.coords(bar)
        length = x[3]-x[1]

    for i in range(len(lengthList)-1):
        if lengthList[i] == min(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='blue')
        elif lengthList[i] == max(lengthList):
            canvas.itemconfig(barList[i], fill='green')

window = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width='600', height='400')
canvas.grid(column=0,row=0, columnspan = 50)

insert = tk.Button(window, text='Insertion Sort', command=insertion_sort)
shuf = tk.Button(window, text='Shuffle', command=shuffle)
shuf.grid(column=0, row=1)


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