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[英]Print binary tree recursive function

I'm attempting to return an array of arrays that represents a binary tree.我试图返回一个表示二叉树的数组数组。 I created an output array filled with arrays of empty strings, where each array represents one level of the tree and the strings represent each possible node position on that level.我创建了一个填充了空字符串数组的输出数组,其中每个数组代表树的一个级别,字符串代表该级别上每个可能的节点位置。 For some reason, it looks like my recursive function is making changes to all arrays in my parent output array, rather than just the appropriate one.出于某种原因,看起来我的递归函数正在对父输出数组中的所有数组进行更改,而不仅仅是对适当的数组进行更改。

var printTree = function(root) {
//first find depth of tree
    let depth = 0
    const findDepth = (node, level) => {
        depth = Math.max(depth, level);
        if (node.left) {
            findDepth(node.left, level + 1)
        if (node.right) {
            findDepth(node.right, level + 1)
    findDepth(root, 1);
    let width = 1 + ((depth - 1) * 2)
//create array of arrays filled with blanks that match height and width
// of given tree
    let output = new Array(depth).fill(new Array(width).fill(''));
    let mid = Math.floor(width / 2);
//do DFS through tree and change output array based on position in tree
    const populate = (node, level, hori) => {
        output[level][hori] = node.val;
        if (node.left) {
            populate(node.left, level + 1, hori - 1);
        if (node.right) {
            populate(node.right, level + 1, hori + 1);
    populate(root, 0, mid);
    return output;

If I put in a binary tree with a root node with the val of 1, and its only child is left with a val of 2.如果我放入一棵二叉树,其根节点的 val 为 1,其唯一的子节点的 val 为 2。

My output array should be:我的输出数组应该是:

[['', 1 , ''],
[2 , '' , '']]

But instead it looks like this:但它看起来像这样:

[[2, 1, ''],
[2, 1, '']]

I have console logged the recursive calls and I can't figure out why these changes are being made in all rows of my matrix and not just at the appropriate level.我已经控制台记录了递归调用,但我无法弄清楚为什么在矩阵的所有行中进行这些更改,而不仅仅是在适当的级别进行更改。

How do I solve this problem?我该如何解决这个问题?

You need to change this line你需要改变这一行

let output = new Array(depth).fill(new Array(width).fill(''));
//                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ same array!


let output = Array.from({ length: depth }, _ => Array.from({ length: width }).fill(''));

because you fill the array with the same array.因为你用相同的数组填充数组。 The underlined part fills with the same array, a constant value.下划线部分填充相同的数组,一个常量值。

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