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[英]How to put a reference to a trait object in an Option?

I'd like to store a reference to an io::Write trait object inside an Option in a struct but I can't figure out how. 我想在结构中的Option中存储对io::Write特征对象的引用,但我无法弄清楚如何。 I can put the reference in directly like this: 我可以像这样直接放入引用:

pub struct Parameters<'a> {
    pub log: &'a (io::Write + 'a),
    // Other elements removed

and then assign it from (for example) a BufWriter like this: 然后从(例如)像这样的BufWriter分配它:

let logstream = &BufWriter::new(f);
let parameters = Parameters {
    log: logstream, // Other elements removed

This works, but I'd like the logstream to be optional. 这有效,但我希望logstream是可选的。 If I try: 如果我尝试:

pub struct Parameters<'a> {
    pub log: Option<&'a(io::Write + 'a)>,
    // Other elements removed


let logstream = match f {
    Some(f) => Some(&BufWriter::new(f)),
    None => None,

let parameters = Parameters {
    log: logstream,
    // Other elements removed

I get: 我明白了:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/main.rs:17:14
17 |         log: logstream,
   |              ^^^^^^^^^ expected trait std::io::Write, found struct `std::io::BufWriter`
   = note: expected type `std::option::Option<&dyn std::io::Write>`
              found type `std::option::Option<&std::io::BufWriter<std::vec::Vec<u8>>>`

What is a suitable approach here? 这里有什么合适的方法?

You have to somehow explicitly type the BufWriter with the trait type, and you also have to be more careful with lifetimes. 你必须以某种方式明确地用特征类型键入BufWriter ,并且你还必须更加小心一生。

Here is a sketch of how this could work: 这是一个如何工作的草图:

use std::io;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::str::from_utf8;

pub struct Parameters<'a> {
    pub log: Option<&'a mut io::Write>,
    // Other elements removed

fn main() {
    let mut w = BufWriter::new(Vec::new());
    let rw: &mut std::io::Write = &mut w;
    let logstream = Some(rw);

    let parameters = Parameters {
        log: logstream,
        // Other elements removed
    parameters.log.unwrap().write(b"hello world").ok();

    println!("{}", from_utf8(&w.into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap());
use std::io;
use std::io::BufWriter;

pub struct P<'a> {
    pub log: Option<&'a mut io::Write>,

fn file() -> Option<Vec<u8>> {

fn main() {
    let mut ow = file().map(|f| BufWriter::new(f));
    let p = P {
        log: ow.as_mut().map(|w| w as &mut io::Write),



Rather than taking an Option<W> and try and convert it into an Option<&mut io::Write> in one go, do it in three steps: 而不是Option<W>并尝试将其转换为Option<&mut io::Write> ,一步完成,分三步完成:

  • Option<W> -> Option<io::BufWriter<W>> to make ow . Option<W> - > Option<io::BufWriter<W>>来制作ow This is the thing that will own the BufWriter . 这将是拥有BufWriter的东西。 As pointed out in the other answer, if you try and create a BufWriter within the pattern match and then immediately take a reference to it, that reference's lifetime is scoped within the branch of the pattern match, so the borrow checker will complain. 正如在另一个答案中所指出的,如果您尝试在模式匹配中创建BufWriter然后立即对其进行引用,那么该引用的生命周期将限定在模式匹配的分支内,因此借用检查器将会抱怨。
  • The next step is to convert from Option<io::BufWriter<W>> to Option<&mut io::BufWriter<W>> using as_mut() . 下一步是使用as_mut()Option<io::BufWriter<W>>Option<&mut io::BufWriter<W>>
  • Finally convert from a reference to the implementation, to the generic trait object. 最后从引用转换为实现,再转换为通用trait对象。 In this case with a map containing a cast. 在这种情况下,地图包含一个演员表。 I had tried using into , but there doesn't seem to be an implementation for convert between a reference to the implementor of a trait and a reference to the trait object. 我曾尝试使用into ,但似乎没有一个实现,用于转换特征的实现者和特征对象的引用之间的转换。

In this example, file() returns a Vec<u8> as the underlying writer, I did this so that the solution was testable in a Rust playground , but this could as well be a File . 在这个例子中, file()返回一个Vec<u8>作为底层Vec<u8> ,我这样做是为了使解决方案在Rust操场上可测试 ,但这也可以是一个File

Finally, I removed the lifetime constraint on the trait object, the type system/borrow checker didn't seem to think it was necessary. 最后,我删除了trait对象的生命周期约束,类型系统/借用检查器似乎认为没有必要。

Thanks for the answers above. 感谢上面的答案。 Prior to them being posted I had an idea myself and came up with this (cut down to a minimal example that shows more or less what I'm trying to do): 在他们被发布之前,我自己有了一个想法并想出了这个(缩减到一个最小的例子,或多或少地显示我正在尝试做的事情):

use std::{env, process};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{self, BufWriter};

pub struct Parameters {
    pub log: Option<Box<dyn io::Write>>,

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    let logfile = if args.len() > 1 {
    } else {

    let logstream: Option<Box<dyn io::Write>> = match logfile {
        Some(logfile) => {
            let f = File::create(logfile).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
                eprintln!("ERROR opening logfile: {}", err);
            let logstream = BufWriter::new(f);
        None => {

    let parameters = Parameters {
        log: logstream,

fn play(parameters: Parameters) {
    // Rest of code removed
    if let Some(mut stream) = parameters.log {
        stream.write("Testing\n".as_bytes()).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
            eprintln!("ERROR writing to logfile: {}", err);

Is this a good solution or would one of the ones suggested above be better? 这是一个很好的解决方案还是上面建议的更好?

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