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在第3版bot代码中应如何在bot框架第4版中编写LUIS intent方法?

[英]How should the LUIS intent methods in version 3 bot code be written in bot framework version 4?

I am trying to follow this article from Microsoft Docs in order to migrate our version 3 code to version 4. 我正在尝试阅读Microsoft Docs的这篇文章,以将我们的版本3代码迁移到版本4。

However, I am not sure how to rewrite the Luis dialog. 但是,我不确定如何重写Luis对话框。 What has to be done? 必须做什么?

I have added the below code in onturnasync, not sure how to rewrite the AfterFAQ resume method now. 我在onturnasync中添加了以下代码,不确定现在如何重写AfterFAQ resume方法。

Kindly help me rewrite these existing Luis methods: 请帮助我重写这些现有的Luis方法:

      //The LUIS dialog service call the back the method if the conversation is part of Greeting intent
    public async Task Greetings(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> activity, LuisResult result)
        needMoreInformation = false;
        qnaInvalidMessageCount = 0;
        var messageToForward = await activity;
        string[] supportList = { "HELP", "FEEDBACK", "SUPPORT", "ESCALATE", "AGENT" };
        string qnaAnswer;

        if (messageToForward.Text == null || supportList.Any(x => x == messageToForward.Text.ToUpper()))
            await context.PostAsync("Please reach out to ...");
        else if (GreetingColl.TryGetValue(messageToForward.Text.Trim().ToLower(), out qnaAnswer))
            await context.PostAsync(qnaAnswer);
            await context.Forward(new QnAGreetingsDialog(), AfterFAQDialog, messageToForward, CancellationToken.None);


modified code: 修改后的代码:

 public async Task OnTurnAsync(ITurnContext turnContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
           var luisResults = await botServices.LuisServices[LuisKey].RecognizeAsync(turnContext, cancellationToken);
                    var topScoringIntent = luisResults?.GetTopScoringIntent();
                    var topIntent = topScoringIntent.Value.intent;                        

                    // Continue the current dialog
                    var dialogResult = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();
                    // if no one has responded,
                    if (!dc.Context.Responded)
                        // examine results from active dialog
                        switch (dialogResult.Status)
                            case DialogTurnStatus.Empty:
                                switch (topIntent)
                                    case NoneIntent:

                                    case GreetingsIntent:
                                        await dc.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(QnAGreetingsDialog));

                                    case CredentialsIntent:

                                    case ContactusIntent:
                                        await LuisVar.Feedback(turnContext);

                                    case FeedbackIntent:
                                        await LuisVar.Feedback(turnContext);

                                        // No intent identified, provide some help to the user
                                        await dc.Context.SendActivityAsync("I didn't understand what you just said to me.");


                            case DialogTurnStatus.Waiting:
                                // The active dialog is waiting for a response from the user, so do nothing.

                            case DialogTurnStatus.Complete:
                                await dc.EndDialogAsync();

                                await dc.CancelAllDialogsAsync();


if your question is regarding Bot Framework core v4, PFB steps to fetch intents: 如果您的问题与Bot Framework核心v4有关,则PFB会获取意图:

  1. first you need to inject LUIS services in services with key in bot framework. 首先,您需要在具有Bot框架密钥的服务中注入LUIS服务。
  2. Fetch recognizer result object using below code 使用以下代码获取识别器结果对象
var luisResults = await services.LuisServices[LuisKey].RecognizeAsync(turnContext, default(CancellationToken));

LUIS key is key used while injection of LUIS service. LUIS密钥是注入LUIS服务时使用的密钥。

  1. this is how you can fetch intents using RecognizerResult object. 这是使用RecognizerResult对象获取意图的方式。

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