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修改Powershell 4中的现有JSON文件

[英]Amending Existing JSON Files in Powershell 4

I have seen many questions around this however none of the answers seem to work (please correct me if i am wrong) 我已经看到许多与此相关的问题,但是似乎没有答案(如果我错了,请纠正我)

I have created a function that queries an API and saves the result as a json file. 我创建了一个查询API的函数,并将结果另存为json文件。
However I would like to amend the file that is saved 但是我想修改保存的文件

powershell code: powershell代码:

$search = ""

function searchMtgApi($searchName){
    $uriSafeName = [uri]::EscapeDataString($searchName)
    $res = Invoke-WebRequest "https://api.magicthegathering.io/v1/cards?name=$uriSafeName" -UseBasicParsing
    $resJson = $res.content | ConvertFrom-Json
    $resJson.cards | Format-Table
    $resJson.cards | Select name, setName, "quantity" | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "D:\Magic the Gathering\$searchName.json"

while ($search -ne "exit"){
    Write-Host @'

To exit, type "Exit".

    $search = Read-Host "Search Magic the Gathering.IO by card name"
    if($search -ne "exit"){
          searchMtgApi $search

Json generated (searching for the card 'Ponder') 生成Json(搜索卡“ Ponder”)

        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Commander 2018",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Lorwyn",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Magic 2010",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Magic 2012",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Magic Player Rewards 2008",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Magic Online Promos",
        "quantity":  null

What I would like to do is load the file and amend the "quantity" for a particular set. 我想做的是加载文件并修改特定集合的“数量”。
Can anyone point me in the right direction? 谁能指出我正确的方向?

  • Update - 更新-

I will get the json content from a file: 我将从文件中获取json内容:

function updateJsonFile($jsonfile){
    $resJson = Get-Content "$jsonfile.json" | ConvertFrom-Json 
    #Edit Quantity here
    $resJson | ConvertFrom-Json | Format-Table

Focusing just on the core question, with abridged sample input: 仅关注核心问题,并提供简短的样本输入:

The following selectively updates the quantity property for an object with a given setName property value, converting from and to JSON: 以下内容有选择地更新具有给定setName属性值的对象的quantity属性,并从JSON转换为JSON:

$setName = 'Magic 2010' # the set name of interest
$newQuantity = 42       # new quantity

        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Commander 2018",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Lorwyn",
        "quantity":  null
        "name":  "Ponder",
        "setName":  "Magic 2010",
        "quantity":  null
'@  | ConvertFrom-Json) | 
  ForEach-Object {
    if ($_.setName -eq $setName) {
        $_.quantity = $newQuantity
    $_ # pass the (possibly updated) object through.
  } | ConvertTo-Json

Note the need to enclose the ConvertFrom-Json call in (...) , which forces enumeration of the individual objects in the array constructed from the JSON input (see this answer for background information). 请注意,需要将ConvertFrom-Json调用括在(...) ,这将强制枚举由JSON输入构造的数组中的各个对象(有关背景信息,请参见此答案 )。

The above yields (note the updated last quantity value): 上面的产量(注意更新的最后quantity值):

    "name": "Ponder",
    "setName": "Commander 2018",
    "quantity": null
    "name": "Ponder",
    "setName": "Lorwyn",
    "quantity": null
    "name": "Ponder",
    "setName": "Magic 2010",
    "quantity": 42

Applied to your updateJsonFile function: 应用于您的updateJsonFile函数:

function updateJsonFile($jsonfile, $setName, $newQuantity){
    $resJson = Get-Content "$jsonfile.json"
    # Note the (...) around the ConvertFrom-Json command.
    ($resJson | ConvertFrom-Json) | 
      ForEach-Object {
        if ($_.setName -eq $setName) {
          $_.quantity = $newQuantity
        $_ # pass the (possibly updated) object through.
      } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Encoding Utf8 $jsonfile

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