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从 django 模型传递对象的 ID

[英]Pass ID of object from django model

Here is my test这是我的test

def someTest(self):

        # create an object 

        # add code here to pass the sampleModel object created above to view:page1

        # Make sure the sampleModel object created appears in page 1
        response = self.client.get(reverse('view:page1'))  # check that above created mlab appears
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)

How can I modify my test to check that the sampleModel object created appears in view:page1 ?如何修改我的测试以检查创建的sampleModel对象是否出现在view:page1 The goal of the test to check if created objects appear in page1.测试的目标是检查创建的对象是否出现在 page1 中。

Here is my urls.py这是我的urls.py

path('<int:pk>/', views.sampleView.as_view(), name='page1'),

You can check if the data get inside the template looks as they should looks like:您可以检查模板中的数据是否看起来像它们应该的样子:

self.assertContains(response, '999999')
self.assertContains(response, 'another field value')

Or check directly the context returned by the view itself:或者直接检查视图本身返回的上下文:

self.assertEqual(response.context['object_name']['field_name'], 'value_of_the_field'))

Edit here is the code:编辑这里是代码:

def someTest(self):

        # create an object 
        sample = sampleModel.objects.create(unique_id='999999')

        # add code here to pass the sampleModel object created above to view:page1

        # Make sure the sampleModel object created appears in page 1
        response = self.client.get(reverse('view:page1', kwargs={'pk':sample.pk}))  
        # check that above created mlab appears
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
        #other stuff to test depending of what your view return.

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