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[英]Local Variable Type Inference with Conditional (Ternary) Operator of Different Types

var test = "Hello World!";

In Java 10+, the above snippet compiles, and test is inferred to be a String at compile-time. 在Java 10+中,上面的代码片段编译,并且在编译时test被推断为String

However, we can use the conditional (ternary) operator to return different types, such as: 但是,我们可以使用条件(三元)运算符返回不同的类型,例如:

var test = new Random().nextBoolean() ? "Hello World!" : 123;

If we were to print test.getClass() at runtime, it would output either: 如果我们在运行时打印test.getClass() ,它将输出:

  • class java.lang.String class java.lang.String
  • class java.lang.Integer class java.lang.Integer

This makes sense, but what would the type of test be at compile-time? 这是有道理的,但是在编译时test的类型是什么? Would it be Object , or something else? 它会是Object还是其他什么?

Interestingly, Intellij tells me that the type of test is not Object , but rather this beast: 有趣的是,Intellij告诉我, test的类型不是Object ,而是这个野兽:

java.io.Serializable & Comparable<? extends java.io.Serializable & Comparable<?> & constant.Constable & constant.ConstantDesc> & constant.Constable & constant.ConstantDesc

The reason why this is the case is because the compiler infers the type of the variable to be the closest common superclasses between String and Integer , which are in-fact Serializable , Comparable , Constable , and ConstantDesc in Java 12. 这种情况的原因是因为编译器将变量的类型推断为StringInteger之间最接近的公共超类,它们实际上是Java 12中的SerializableComparableConstableConstantDesc

There's an interesting article that elaborates on impossible types , which are what these types are known as (since they can only be inferred by the compiler): Representing the Impractical and Impossible with JDK 10 “var” 有一篇有趣的文章详细阐述了不可能的类型 ,这些类型被称为(因为它们只能由编译器推断): 用JDK 10“var”代表不切实际和不可能的类型

If we were to return objects that are entirely unrelated, such as Integer and ByteArrayOutputStream , then we would see that Java would infer the compile-time type of test to be Object : 如果我们要返回完全不相关的对象,例如IntegerByteArrayOutputStream ,那么我们会看到Java会将编译时类型的test推断为Object

var test = new Random().nextBoolean() ? 123 : new ByteArrayOutputStream();

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