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SubSelectionRequired 类型的验证错误:字段的时间戳类型需要子选择

[英]Validation error of type SubSelectionRequired: Sub selection required for type Timestamp of field

I use GraphQL-SPQR Library The problem is "Validation error of type SubSelectionRequired: Sub selection required for type Timestamp" Maybe there is expression in query for timestamp or format in Entity我使用 GraphQL-SPQR 库问题是“SubSelectionRequired 类型的验证错误:Timestamp 类型需要子选择”也许在查询中存在对 Entity 中的时间戳或格式的表达式

"{findUserPointByUserId(userId:73){rowNum userAccountPointUserId totalPoint pointTypeDescription point userAccountCreatedDate} findUserAccountImgByUserId(userId:73){imageId,userId,presentImgNum}}"



    "errors": [
            "message": "Validation error of type SubSelectionRequired: Sub selection required for type Timestamp of field userAccountCreatedDate",
            "locations": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "column": 103


@Table(name = "view_user_account_point", schema = "public", catalog = "corus")
public class ViewUserAccountPoint {
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "rowNum")
    @Column(name = "row_num", nullable = true)
    private Long rowNum;

    @Column(name = "user_account_point_userid", nullable = true)
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "userAccountPointUserId")
    private Integer userAccountPointUserId;

    @Column(name = "subject_id", nullable = true)
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "subjectId")
    private Integer subjectId;

    @Column(name = "point", nullable = true)
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "point")
    private Integer point;

    @Column(name = "user_account_point_typeid", nullable = true)
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "userAccountPointTypeId")
    private Integer userAccountPointTypeId;

    @Column(name = "date_created", nullable = true)
    @GraphQLQuery(name = "userAccountCreatedDate")
    private Timestamp userAccountCreatedDate;


public List<ViewUserAccountPoint> findUserPointByUserId(@GraphQLArgument(name = "userId") Integer userId){
        return viewUserAccountPointRepository.findByUserAccountPointUserIdOrderByUserAccountCreatedDateDesc(userId);


 private final GraphQL graphQL;

    public UserController(UserAccountService userAccountService) {
        GraphQLSchema schema = new GraphQLSchemaGenerator()
                        //Resolve by annotations
                        new AnnotatedResolverBuilder())
                .withValueMapperFactory(new JacksonValueMapperFactory())
        graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema).build();

    @PostMapping(value = "/graphql", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
    public Map<String, Object> graphql(@RequestBody Map<String, String> request, HttpServletRequest raw) {
        ExecutionResult executionResult = graphQL.execute(ExecutionInput.newExecutionInput()
        return executionResult.toSpecification();

I search through all query timestamp format However, i couldn't find i hope to hear the solution.我搜索了所有查询时间戳格式但是,我找不到我希望听到解决方案。 thank you谢谢你

For one reason or another, Timestamp got mapped incorrectly.出于某种原因, Timestamp被错误地映射。 It ended up being an object and not a scalar.它最终成为一个对象而不是标量。 As mentioned in the issue you opened , it's unclear where is Timestamp in your code coming from.正如您在打开的问题中提到,目前还不清楚您的代码中的Timestamp来自哪里。

java.sql.Timestamp is supported out of the box in recent versions of GraphQL SPQR, so you might be on an older version. GraphQL SPQR 的最新版本支持java.sql.Timestamp ,因此您可能使用的是旧版本。

If that's not the case, it would mean Timestamp is some other than java.sql.Timestamp , and you'd need to register a custom mapper for it.如果不是这种情况,则意味着Timestamp不是java.sql.Timestamp ,您需要为它注册一个自定义映射器。

public class TimestampMapper implements TypeMapper {

    // Define the scalar as needed, see io.leangen.graphql.util.Scalars for inspiration
    private static final GraphQLScalarType TIMESTAMP = ...;

    public GraphQLOutputType toGraphQLType(AnnotatedType javaType, OperationMapper operationMapper, Set<Class<? extends TypeMapper>> mappersToSkip, BuildContext buildContext) {
        return TIMESTAMP; //it's important to always return the same instance

    public GraphQLInputType toGraphQLInputType(AnnotatedType javaType, OperationMapper operationMapper, Set<Class<? extends TypeMapper>> mappersToSkip, BuildContext buildContext) {
        return TIMESTAMP; //same as above

    public boolean supports(AnnotatedType type) {
        return ClassUtils.isSuperClass(Timestamp.class, type);

Then register your mapper:然后注册您的映射器:

generator.withTypeMappers(new TimestampMapper())


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