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Matplotlib - 将线添加到链接堆叠条 plot 类别

[英]Matplotlib - Add line to link stacked bar plot categories

I'm able to generate stacked bar plot.我能够生成堆叠条 plot。

But how to generate something like this one?但是如何生成这样的东西呢?

I have two sets of data per country.我每个国家有两组数据。 This two sets (power and CO2) have not the same unit and are represented today on two different graphs.这两组(功率和二氧化碳)的单位不同,今天在两个不同的图表上表示。 It would be more readable to present them on the same one.将它们呈现在同一个上会更具可读性。

I have no clue which properties of the bar chart could help me to do this.我不知道条形图的哪些属性可以帮助我做到这一点。

A bit of a late response, but hopefully this reply can help someone out who might be stumbling onto the post with the same or similar question.回复有点,但希望这个回复可以帮助那些可能遇到相同或类似问题的人。

Replicating the example graph provided by OP with paired data for each order along the x axis, I came up with the following solution:复制 OP 提供的示例图以及沿 x 轴的每个订单的配对数据,我想出了以下解决方案:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

order = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth"]
order_axis = np.arange(len(order))

a_main = np.array([15, 20, 16, 18])
b_main = np.array([10, 12, 5, 9])

a_other = np.array([14, 10, 8, 16])
b_other = np.array([17, 19, 4, 11])

w = 0.2
sep = 0.1

for axis in order_axis:
    plt.plot([order_axis[axis] - sep, order_axis[axis] + sep], [a_main[axis], a_other[axis]], color='C7', ls='--', zorder=1)
    plt.plot([order_axis[axis] - sep, order_axis[axis] + sep], [a_main[axis] + b_main[axis], a_other[axis] + b_other[axis]], color='C7', ls='--', zorder=1)

plt.bar(order_axis - sep, a_main, -w, color='C0', zorder=2, align="edge")
plt.bar(order_axis - sep, b_main, -w, color='C1', bottom=a_main, zorder=2, align="edge")

plt.bar(order_axis + sep, a_other, w, color='C0', zorder=2, align="edge")
plt.bar(order_axis + sep, b_other, w, color='C1', bottom=a_other, zorder=2, align="edge")

plt.xticks(order_axis, order)

This is the graph produced by the code above这是上面代码生成的图

For good measure, I also have a solution that works generally for any number of stacked bars with any number of orders along the x axis.为了更好地衡量,我还有一个解决方案,它通常适用于沿 x 轴具有任意数量订单的任意数量的堆叠条。

order = ["First", "Second", "Third", "Fourth", "Fifth"]

a = np.array([17, 15, 16, 18, 10])
b = np.array([8, 12, 5, 9, 15])
c = np.array([6, 3, 6, 4, 3])

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)

ax.bar(order, a, color='C0', zorder=2)
ax.bar(order, b, color='C1', bottom=a, zorder=2)
ax.bar(order, c, color='C2', bottom=a+b, zorder=2)

width = ax.patches[0].get_width()
stacks = len(ax.patches) // len(order)

for i in range(stacks):
    for j in range(0, len(order) - 1):
        h0 = np.sum([ax.patches[j + len(order) * k].get_height() for k in range(0, i + 1)])
        h1 = np.sum([ax.patches[j + 1 + len(order) * k].get_height() for k in range(0, i + 1)])

        ax.plot([j + width / 2, j + 1 - width / 2], [h0, h1], color='C7', ls='--', zorder=1)


Graph produced by the second code snippet第二个代码片段生成的图表

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