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[英]Efficient search algorithms to calculate crosssection on set of linesegments

I have a large dataset of linesegments. 我有一个很大的线段数据集。 Each linesegment consists of [x-start,x-end] . 每个线段都由[x-start,x-end] I'm searching for an efficient algorithms to calculate for a given x position the set of intersecting lines. 我正在寻找一种有效的算法来计算给定的x位置的相交线集。



  1. Find all lines where x ∈ [start; 找到x∈[开始; end] in O(n) 结束]在O(n)中
  2. In found list of lines find the line with minimum start and the line with maximum end (in linear time). 在找到的行列表中,找到起点最小的线和终点最大的线(线性时间)。 So you will have two points (A,B) 因此,您将获得两点(A,B)
  3. Find all lines where: 查找以下所有行:

    • A ∈ [start; A∈[开始; end] 结束]
    • B ∈ [start; B∈[开始; end] 结束]
    • start ∈ [A; 开始∈[A; B] and end ∈ [A, B] and put them into Set. B]和结束∈[A,B]并将它们放入Set中。

Overall time complexity should be O(n) 总时间复杂度应为O(n)

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