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[英]How to loop through pandas dataframe, check conditions, perform string manipulations & write to a new column?

I have a dataframe like below; 我有一个如下数据框;

Col1    Col2                    
1       AppVer: 1.1.1 | name: A 
0       name:B                  
1       AppVer: 2.3.1 | name: B 

I wanted to create a new column (newCol3) based on the condition 1. If Col1=1 then split the Col2 based on "|" 我想根据条件1创建一个新列(newCol3)。如果Col1 = 1,则根据“|”拆分Col2 and write to the column newCol3 2. If Col1=0 then write "Not Applicable" to the column newCol3 并写入newCol3列2.如果Col1 = 0,则将“Not Applicable”写入newCol3列

I tried the below code for loop using iterrows & conditional statements; 我使用iterrows和条件语句尝试了下面的代码循环;

for index, row in df1.iterrows():
    if row['Col1']==1:
    elif row['Col1']==0:

But i the value in newCol3 is not as expected as shown below. 但我在newCol3中的值不如预期,如下所示。 Also, i get a warning like this " main :8: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy " 另外,我得到一个像这样的警告main :8:SettingWithCopyWarning:尝试在DataFrame的切片副本上设置一个值。尝试使用.loc [row_indexer,col_indexer] = value请参阅文档中的警告: http//pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

Obtained Output: 获得的输出:

Col1    Col2                        newCol3
1       AppVer: 1.1.1 | name: A     1.1.1
0       name:B                      1.1.1
1       AppVer: 2.3.1 | name: B     2.3.1

Expected Output: 预期产出:

Col1    Col2                        newCol3
1       AppVer: 1.1.1 | name: A     1.1.1
0       name:B                      Not Applicable
1       AppVer: 2.3.1 | name: B     2.3.1

Provide me any help/suggestions. 向我提供任何帮助/建议。

In your case I would suggest using loc to create a new column. 在你的情况下,我建议使用loc来创建一个新列。

Docs: loc 文件: loc

Docs: str expand Docs: str扩展

Docs for str extract: str.extract str提取的文档: str.extract

df.loc[df['Col1']==1,'Col3'] = df['Col2'].str.extract(pat='insert the pattern here')
df.loc[df['Col1']==0,'Col3'] = 'Not Applicable'

Just saw the expected output. 刚看到预期的输出。 Read the docs I linked and change the str.extract as required. 阅读我链接的文档并根据需要更改str.extract

I feel like you can do 我觉得你能做到

df['New']=df.Col2.str.extract('(\d*\.?\d+\.?\d+)').fillna('Not Applicable')
   Col1                      Col2             New
0     1  AppVer: 1.1.1 | name: A            1.1.1
1     0  name:B                    Not Applicable
2     1  AppVer: 2.3.1 | name: B            2.3.1

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