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[英]Unity, Quaternion.Euler, rotate only around Y axis

I have my main camera in the scene: 我的主要摄像机在现场:


And I have this code that smoothly rotates the camera: 我有这段代码可以平稳地旋转相机:

private IEnumerator SmoothlyRotateCamera()
    float duration = 0.3f;
    Quaternion from = transform.rotation;
    Quaternion to = from * Vector3.up * 180f;

    float elapsed = 0.0f;

    while (elapsed < duration)
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(from, to, elapsed / duration);
        elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
        yield return null;

    transform.rotation = to;

    isRotating = false;

    yield return null;

Currently, my camera's rotation is [30, -60, 0] and I want it to rotate around Y axis by 180 degrees. 目前,我的相机的旋转角度是[30, -60, 0] ,我希望它绕Y轴旋转180度。

In theory, to achieve that I need to rotate it for Vector3.up * 180f , everything sound fine, except the fact, when I rotate it that way, it also rotates all other axes as well. 理论上,要实现对Vector3.up * 180f旋转,一切听起来都不错,但事实上,当我以这种方式旋转时,它也会同时旋转所有其他轴。

If I rotate it by new Vector3(180f, 0f, 0f) - only X axis will be affected. 如果我通过new Vector3(180f, 0f, 0f)旋转它-仅X轴会受到影响。

If I rotate it by new Vector3(0f, 0f, 180f) - only Z axis will be affected. 如果我通过new Vector3(0f, 0f, 180f)旋转它-仅Z轴会受到影响。

And if I rotate it by new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f) - all of the axis will rotate as well. 如果我通过new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f)旋转它,则所有轴也会旋转。

I've checked the rotation by setting my X rotation to 0, so now my camera's rotation is [0, -60, 0] and if I rotate it the way it intended to be, by Vector3.up * 180f , then everything works fine! 我已经通过将X旋转设置为0来检查了旋转,所以现在我的相机的旋转是[0, -60, 0] Vector3.up * 180f [0, -60, 0] ,如果按Vector3.up * 180f的方式旋转它,那么一切正常精细! BUT, I need my camera's X to stay in the place. 但是,我需要将相机的X留在原处。 Eg, rotation in the Editor itself only by Y gives me the result that I want. 例如,在编辑器中仅旋转Y即可得到所需的结果。

What should I do? 我该怎么办? How do I rotate it by 180 degrees by Y axis only? 如何仅通过Y轴旋转180度?

PS I know about transform.Rotate but in my case I need to rotate it using the way that I have described here. PS:我了解transform.Rotate但就我而言,我需要使用此处介绍的方式对其进行旋转。

Thanks! 谢谢!

Rather use transform.Rotate 而是使用transform.Rotate

private IEnumerator SmoothlyRotateCamera()
    var duration = 0.3f;

    // in angles per second
    var rotationSpeed = 180f / duration;

    float rotated = 0;

        var angle = Mathf.Min(180.0f - rotated, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
        var rotation = Vector3.up * angle;

        rotated += angle;

        // depends which Y axis you want to rotate around here
        // pass Space.World to rotate around the global Y axis instead of the local one
        // if left out it rotates around its transform.up vector instead
        transform.Rotate(rotation, Space.World);

        yield return null;
    } while (rotated < 180f);

    isRotating = false;

    // your last yield return is redundant

I added the Mathf.Min to make sure there is no overshooting. 我添加了Mathf.Min以确保没有超调。 As you can see it lands exactly on 180° and is smooth in time (you don't need necessarily Lerp for that only use Time.deltaTime ). 如您所见,它正好在180°上着陆并且在时间上平滑的(仅使用Time.deltaTime就不必使用Lerp了)。

In order to show the effect I only changed the duration to 3 instead of 0.3 (which is to fast to notice it). 为了显示效果,我仅将持续时间更改为3而不是0.3 (这很快就可以注意到)。

Rotating around global Y using transform.Rotate(rotation, Space.World); 使用transform.Rotate(rotation, Space.World);绕全局Y transform.Rotate(rotation, Space.World);


Rotating around local Y using transform.Rotate(rotation); 使用transform.Rotate(rotation);绕局部Y transform.Rotate(rotation);


You can try with Euler Angles. 您可以尝试使用Euler Angles。

transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y + 180, transform.eulerAngles.);

Your code will become: 您的代码将变为:

private IEnumerator SmoothlyRotateCamera()
    float duration = 0.3f;
    Vector3 from = transform.eulerAngles;
    Vector3 to = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, transform.eulerAngles.y +180, transform.eulerAngles.z);

    float elapsed = 0.0f;

    while (elapsed < duration)
        transform.eulerAngles =  Vector3.Slerp(from, to, elapsed / duration);
        elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
        yield return null;

    transform.eulerAngles = to;

    isRotating = false;

    yield return null;

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