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[英]How to limit the date values to allow a range of 45 days from today in an InfoPath date field?

I need to limit the date range of a Date Field or Date Picker in MS InfoPath 2013 to allow the user to only select a date that falls within 45 days from today. 我需要在MS InfoPath 2013中限制日期字段或日期选择器的日期范围,以允许用户仅选择从今天起45天内的日期。

Would like either a message box or screen tip to alert the user to enter a date less than 45 days in the future. 希望消息框或屏幕提示提醒用户输入将来不到45天的日期。

You can create a valifdation rule like the one mentioned below to achieve this. 您可以创建一个类似下面提到的valifdation规则来实现此目的。 InfoPath does not support dialog box message for browser based forms (only the screen tip will work for browser based forms) click here InfoPath不支持基于浏览器的表单的对话框消息(只有屏幕提示适用于基于浏览器的表单) 单击此处

Hopefully this helped you :) 希望这对你有所帮助:)

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