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[英]Send Laravel notification without entity

I understand that with Laravel notifications I can use 我明白使用Laravel通知我可以使用

Notification::send(User::first(), new TodoCompleted($task));

But what if I want to send a notification, to Slack in my case, with some custom details stored in an array ( $task in the example above) but without having to pass a entity/model ( User::first() in the example above). 但是,如果我想在我的情况下向Slack发送通知,并在数组中存储一些自定义详细信息(上例中$task ),但无需传递实体/模型( User::first()上面的例子)。 Is that possible? 那可能吗?

To send a notification without using model you will want to use on demand notifications : 要在不使用模型的情况下发送通知,您需要使用按需通知

Notification::route('slack', 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/...')
        ->notify(new TodoCompleted($task));

Just replace https://hooks.slack.com/services/... with the url that you would usually return from the routNotificationForSlack method. 只需将您通常从routNotificationForSlack方法返回的url替换为https://hooks.slack.com/services/...

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