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python 2和3的相同代码给出了不同的结果

[英]Same code for python 2 and 3 gives different results

I have the issue that I run python 3 on my client and the server where I execute the programs run python 2.我有一个问题,我在我的客户端上运行 python 3,而我执行程序的服务器运行 python 2。

So I set up the following script:所以我设置了以下脚本:

from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, exp
from datetime import datetime
def dateSmoother(a, b):
    #Format the date
    a = datetime.strptime(a, "%Y-%m-%d")
    b = datetime.strptime(b, "%Y-%m-%d")
    diff = (a-b).days

    return exp(-(diff/h_date)**2)

def timeSmoother(a, b):
    # Since we only got readings from two different times
    # We first check to see if they are the same
    if (a==b):
        return exp(-(0/h_time)**2)
        return exp(-(12/h_time)**2)

h_date = 30
h_time = 12
a = "2013-11-01"
b = "2013-11-13"
print(dateSmoother(a, b))
print(timeSmoother("06:00:00", "06:00:00"))
print(timeSmoother("06:00:00", "18:00:00"))

When I run it locally with python 3 I get the following output:当我使用 python 3 在本地运行它时,我得到以下输出:


However, when I run it on the server I get:但是,当我在服务器上运行它时,我得到:


The problem lies in the division here diff/h_date问题在于这里的划分diff/h_date

From the details mentioned in this answer here or this answer here从这里的答案或这里的答案中提到的细节

  • In Python2.7, division of two ints produces an int在 Python2.7 中,两个 int 相除产生一个 int
>>> -12/30
  • In Python3, division of two ints produces an float在 Python3 中,两个整数的除法产生一个浮点数
>>> -12/30

So depending on what you want所以取决于你想要什么

  • If you want a float for both cases, import from __future__ import division in Python2.7,如果你想在这两种情况下都浮动,在 Python2.7 中from __future__ import division
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> -12/30
  • If you want a int in both cases, perform integer division // in Python3如果在这两种情况下都需要 int,请在 Python3 中执行整数除法//
>>> -12//30

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