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[英]How do I replace the html objects with it's text content?

I'm trying to replace link parameters with the query strings and I'm a noob when it comes to web dev 我正在尝试用查询字符串替换链接参数,但对于Web开发人员来说,我是一个菜鸟

I've tried String(), object.textContent() and some more things but can't seem to get what I want 我已经尝试过String(),object.textContent()和其他一些东西,但似乎无法获得我想要的东西

here's my code: 这是我的代码:

link = link.replace("replace1",phone); //phone is an input box returned by document.getElementByID() method
link = link.replace("replace2",message); //message is a text area returned by document.getElementByID() method

expected link: https://someWebsite?phone=123456&mesaage=somemessage
actual link: https://someWebsite?phone= [object HTMLInputElement]&message=[object HTMLTextAreaElement]

To get the value of an input , you use its value . 要获取input ,请使用其value Also, in query strings, you must encode query parameters with encodeURIComponent ¹. 另外,在查询字符串中,必须使用encodeURIComponent对查询参数进行编码。 So: 所以:

link = link.replace("replace1",encodeURIComponent(phone.value));
link = link.replace("replace2",encodeURIComponent(message.value));

Also note that each of those will replace the first occurrence, not all occurrences. 还要注意,每个事件都将替换第一个事件,而不是所有事件。 See this question's answers if you need to replace each of those ( replace1 , replace2 ) in more than just the first place it appears. 如果您需要替换其中的每一个( replace1replace2 ),而不仅仅是在显示的第一个位置,请参阅此问题的答案

Of course, with the code you've shown, it would make more sense not to use replace at all: 当然,通过显示的代码,完全不使用replace会更有意义:

link = "https://someWebsite?phone=" + encodeURIComponent(phone.value) +
       "&message=" + encodeURIComponent(message.value);

Or with ES2015+: 或搭配ES2015 +:

link = `https://someWebsite?phone=${encodeURIComponent(phone.value)}&message=${encodeURIComponent(message.value)}`;

¹ You have to encode the names , too, but encodeURIComponent("phone") is "phone" and encodeURIComponent("message") is "message" , so... But if you had other characters in there, such as [] , you'd need to encode them. ¹您也必须对名称进行编码,但是encodeURIComponent("phone")"phone"encodeURIComponent("message")"message" ,所以...但是,如果其中还有其他字符,例如[] ,则需要对其进行编码。

In jQuery we use backticks and ${} for string interpolation: 在jQuery中,我们使用反引号和$ {}进行字符串插值:

`some text ${replacedtext} some other text`

If you're using vanilla javascript use + signs for string interpolation: 如果您使用香草javascript,请使用+符号进行字符串插值:

"some text" + replacedtext + "some other text"

Hope this helps 希望这可以帮助


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