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[英]Not able to import Python module

I am having a server and a testing module in falcon but I am not able to import the server module into the testing module when running the test cases. 我在falcon中有一个服务器和一个测试模块但是在运行测试用例时我无法将服务器模块导入测试模块。

This is my hierarchy: 这是我的层次结构:

          -- apitest.py

This is my testing code 这是我的测试代码

Unit test for Ping api resource

from falcon import testing
import pytest
import server

def client():
    return testing.TestClient(server.api)

def test_get_message(client):
    result = client.simulate_get('/api/ping')
    assert result.status_code == 200

But when i run it it shows: 但是,当我运行它时,它显示:

apiTest.py:7: in <module>
    import server
E   ImportError: No module named 'server'

What am I doing wrong here. 我在这做错了什么。

Python checks for the module only in the current path of the script, which in your case is /tests . Python仅在脚本的当前路径中检查模块,在您的情况下是/tests You would need to add /project to your path as well. 您还需要添加/project到您的路径。 The following code snippet should work: 以下代码段应该有效:

import sys

import server

First you have to set the add your project directory to the PYTHONPATH or put your project inside a directory that is already added. 首先,您必须将项目目录添加到PYTHONPATH,或将项目放在已添加的目录中。 This lets python to use your package. 这让python可以使用你的包。

You can add the directory using set command on cmd . 您可以在cmd上使用set命令添加目录。 For example if you want to add C:\\Python use command set PYTHONPATH = C:\\Python 例如,如果要添加C:\\Python使用命令set PYTHONPATH = C:\\Python

Now to import server.py you have to type import project.server or from project import server . 现在要导入server.py您必须输入import project.serverfrom project import server

If you type import project.server , to use a function in server you will have to type in project.server.<fuction>() and if you used from project import server you will have to use server.<function>() . 如果键入import project.server ,要在服务器中使用函数,则必须输入project.server.<fuction>() ,如果from project import server使用from project import server则必须使用server.<function>()

The best solution would be to make your package installable, rather then fiddle with the PYTHONPATH. 最好的解决方案是让你的包可以安装,而不是摆弄PYTHONPATH。 See guidelines to python packaging here: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/ 请参阅python包装指南: https//packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/

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