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Not able to import Python module

I am having a server and a testing module in falcon but I am not able to import the server module into the testing module when running the test cases.

This is my hierarchy:

          -- apitest.py

This is my testing code

Unit test for Ping api resource

from falcon import testing
import pytest
import server

def client():
    return testing.TestClient(server.api)

def test_get_message(client):
    result = client.simulate_get('/api/ping')
    assert result.status_code == 200

But when i run it it shows:

apiTest.py:7: in <module>
    import server
E   ImportError: No module named 'server'

What am I doing wrong here.

Python checks for the module only in the current path of the script, which in your case is /tests . You would need to add /project to your path as well. The following code snippet should work:

import sys

import server

First you have to set the add your project directory to the PYTHONPATH or put your project inside a directory that is already added. This lets python to use your package.

You can add the directory using set command on cmd . For example if you want to add C:\\Python use command set PYTHONPATH = C:\\Python

Now to import server.py you have to type import project.server or from project import server .

If you type import project.server , to use a function in server you will have to type in project.server.<fuction>() and if you used from project import server you will have to use server.<function>() .

The best solution would be to make your package installable, rather then fiddle with the PYTHONPATH. See guidelines to python packaging here: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/packaging-projects/

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