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[英]React state - updating property on object in nested array

I have a React app with an interface that allows users to select a date and time slot. 我有一个带有界面的React应用程序,该界面允许用户选择日期和时间段。 I have a top level object that maintains the state, which might look like this: 我有一个维护状态的顶级对象,可能看起来像这样:

this.state = {
  days: [{ 
    date: '12-13-2022',
    time_slots: [{
        start: '10 am',
        end: '11 am',
        selected: false
        start: '1 pm',
        end: '3 pm',
        selected: false
    }, {
    date: '12-14-2022',
    time_slots: [{
       start: '10 am',
       end: '11 am',
       selected: false

When a user clicks on a time slot, I want to update the selected property to true . 当用户单击时隙时,我想将selected属性更新为true

So far I have this, but I think I'm mutating the state, which is bad practice. 到目前为止,我已经知道了,但是我认为我正在改变状态,这是一种不好的做法。

slotClicked(day_index, slot_index) {
  let state = this.state.days[day_index].time_slots[slot_index].selected = true;

How might I update the state in an efficient (in terms of re-rendering) and immutable way? 如何以有效的方式(在重新渲染方面)和不变的方式更新状态?

You have to deep clone your array, in opposition to other answers: 与其他答案相反,您必须深度克隆数组:

slotClicked(day_index, slot_index) {
  // If you prefer you can use lodash method _.cloneDeep()
  const newDays = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.days));

  newDays[day_index].time_slots[slot_index].selected = true;
  this.setState({days: newDays});

If you do not deep clone your array, the time_slots array will be copied by reference and mutanting it will mutate original array in state. 如果不深度克隆数组,则time_slots数组将通过引用进行复制,并且对其进行突变会使状态为原始数组发生变异。

You can make use of Array.map function as, 您可以将Array.map函数用作

        let current_state = this.state;
        this.state.days.map((days,days_index) => {
                // console.log("day",days);
                let newSlot = '';
                        // console.log("time",time_slot);
                        newSlot = Object.assign({},time_slot,{selected:true});
                // console.log("new slot",newSlot);
                days.time_slots[slot_index] = newSlot;

Demo 演示

To update a deeply nested data, you can use https://github.com/debitoor/dot-prop-immutable or something similar. 要更新深度嵌套的数据,可以使用https://github.com/debitoor/dot-prop-immutable或类似的方法。 In plain Javascript, it will be more verbose like below 在普通的Javascript中,它将变得更加冗长,如下所示

const state = this.state;
const newState = {
    days: [
        ...state.days.slice(0, day_index),
            time_slots: [
                ...state.days[day_index].time_slots.slice(0, slot_index),
                {...state.days[day_index].time_slots[slot_index], selected: true},
                ...state.days[day_index].time_slots.slice(slot_index + 1)
        ...state.days.slice(day_index + 1)

try this, here we are cloning previous state and updating the new one 试试这个,这里我们正在克隆以前的状态并更新新的状态

slotClicked(day_index, slot_index) {
  let newStateDays = [...this.state.days]

  newStateDays[day_index].time_slots[slot_index].selected = true;
  this.setState({days: newStateDays});

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