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[英]How to query a polymorphic Eloquent model providing the type and the id?

I have a polymorphic model Discussion and other models that are discussable . 我有一个多态模型“ Discussion和其他可discussable模型。

I have configured my morph map to translate project to App\\Models\\Company\\Project which is discussable . 我已经配置了变形贴图,以将project转换为App\\Models\\Company\\Project ,这是可以discussable

I would like to write: 我想写:

function get_all_discussions($type, $id) 
    return Discussion::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
        ->where('discussable_type', $type)
        ->where('discussable_id', $id)

get_all_discussion('project', 1232);

Unfortunately ->where('discussable_type', $type) does not work with the morph map. 不幸的是->where('discussable_type', $type)不适用于变形贴图。

My current solution is to use this kludge: 我当前的解决方案是使用此合并:

function getMorphType($typeOrClass)
    $morphMap = array_flip(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation::morphMap());

    return array_get($morphMap, $typeOrClass, $typeOrClass);

A better approach could be defining relationships in the models: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/eloquent-relationships#polymorphic-relationships 更好的方法可能是在模型中定义关系: https : //laravel.com/docs/5.8/eloquent-relationships#polymorphic-relationships

For example I got Project and Issue, two models that could be discussable. 例如,我得到了Project和Issue这两个可以讨论的模型。

class Project
    public function discussions()
        return $this->morphMany(Discussion::class, 'discussable');
class Issue
    public function discussions()
        return $this->morphMany(Discussion::class, 'discussable');

Then if you want to get all discussion for a project or an issue: 然后,如果您想获得有关项目或问题的所有讨论:

$project = Project::findOrFail(101);
$issue = Issue::findOrFail(102);


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