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[英]Typescript: Infer correct type from string literal union applied on keyed object

I am using MobX and have this repository that contains all entities in my app. 我正在使用MobX,并且该存储库包含我的应用程序中的所有实体。

I want to have two functions 我想要两个功能

  • addEntity: Takes an entity and updates/inserts it addEntity:获取实体并更新/插入它
  • getEntity: Returns the entity if found otherwise undefined getEntity:如果找到则返回实体,否则未定义

But I also want them to be typesafe. 但是我也希望它们是类型安全的。

Let's say that I keep this collection: 假设我保留此收藏集:

@observable entities = {
   authors: {} as Record<string, Author>,
   comments: {} as Record<string, Comment>,
   posts: {} as Record<string, Post>

I want to use my function like the following: 我想像下面这样使用我的函数:

// "authors" should be checked against "authors" | "posts" | "comments"
// by specifying "authors" statically, I want typescript to automatically refine the return type to be Author, otherwise Author | Posts | Comment
addEntity("authors", new Author(...)) 

// same here
getEntity("authors", id) 

I have tried many ways with the generics but I can't get it right. 我已经尝试了很多使用泛型的方法,但是我做不到。 I have to add a generic type that I type cast to So my calls are like this: 我必须添加一个类型类型,然后将其类型转换为:

// but nothing prevents me from writing

Is there a trick to make this work? 有一个技巧可以使这项工作吗?

Not sure about the MobX part, but the typescript type is a pretty straight forward application of index type queries and keyof : 不确定MobX部分,但打字稿类型是索引类型查询和keyof直接应用:

class Author { id!: string; a!: string }
class Comment { id!: string; c!: string }
class Post {id!: string; p!: string }
class Store {
    entities = {
        authors: {} as Record<string, Author>,
        comments: {} as Record<string, Comment>,
        posts: {} as Record<string, Post>
let store = new Store();
function addEntity<K extends keyof Store['entities']>(type: K, value: Store['entities'][K][string]) {
    let collection = store.entities[type] as Record<string, typeof value>; // some type assertions required
    collection[value.id] = value;
function getEntity<K extends keyof Store['entities']>(type: K, id: string): Store['entities'][K][string] {

    let collection = store.entities[type] as Record<string, Store['entities'][K][string]>; // some type assertions required
    return collection[id];
addEntity("authors", new Author()) 
addEntity("authors", new Post())  // err

// same here
let a: Author = getEntity("authors", "1") 
let p : Post = getEntity("authors", "1") //err 

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