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[英]Lambda Expression doesn't work for filtering obj in a list

User select month, and dynamically 4 textbox + a button (save row) for each day will be drawn; 用户选择月份,每天将动态绘制4个文本框+一个按钮(保存行); every textbox has the textbox.Tag = day who refers. 每个文本框都有文本框。Tag=引用的日期。

When user click on save row I will it to select only the textboxes of the corresponding row (expecting 4 textboxes). 当用户单击保存行时,我将只选择相应行的文本框(预期有4个文本框)。

code that generate the textboxes: 生成文本框的代码:

foreach (DateTime day in monthDays)
    var t1 = new TextBox();
    t1.Location = new Point(Origin.X + 90, Origin.Y + 30 * Ycounter);
    t1.Size = new Size(40, 25);
    t1.MaxLength = 5;
    t1.Tag = day;

I try this: 我尝试这样:

private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button b = (Button)sender;
    DateTime d = (DateTime)b.Tag;

    List<TextBox> t = new List<TextBox>(AutoControls.OfType < TextBox());

    //Autocontrols it's the list with ALL the dynamically generates controls in that form.

    var g = t.Where(x => x.Tag == b.Tag); // expecting 4 textboxes, but returns 0
    var g = t.Where(x => x.Tag == b.Tag).ToList(); // 0
    var g = t.FindAll(x => x.Tag == b.Tag); //returns  0 

Any help is very appreciated ^_^ 任何帮助都非常感谢^ _ ^

You are comparing two object directly, and by default this will be done by references comparison. 您正在直接比较两个object ,默认情况下,这将通过引用比较来完成。

// this for example will never be true, even if today is 20190613
// because they are 2 different instances
(object)new DateTime(2019, 06, 13) == (object)DateTime.Today

You want to compare the value of these date instead: 您想比较这些日期的值:

t.Where(x => x.Tag is DateTime date && date == d)
List<Control> RecordData = Controls.Cast<Control>().Where(x => x.Tag is DateTime date && date == d).ToList();


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