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[英]How to zip add pandas Dataframes with different columns

I would like to add two dfs in a zip-like manner: 我想以拉链方式添加两个dfs:

df1: DF1:

a   b
1   1   2
1   2   3

df2: DF2:

1   1
2   2

desired result: 期望的结果:

a   b   c
1   1   1   3
1   1   2   4
1   2   1   4
1   2   2   5

The only idea I have going row by row but that's hideous.. 唯一的想法是我一行一行,但这很可怕..

The problem, as it is now, can be solved with broadcasting: 现在的问题可以通过广播来解决:

# new values
new_vals = df1.X.values[:,None] + df2.X.values[None,:]

# new dataframe:
new_df = pd.DataFrame(new_vals, index=df1.index, columns=df2.index)

# stack for the multi-index:

output: 输出:

a  b  c
1  1  1    3
      2    4
   2  1    4
      2    5
dtype: int64

It still works if you have more than one columns, but needs little tweaking on the new_df's columns: 如果你有多个列,它仍然有效,但在new_df的列上几乎不需要调整:

df1 = (pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,1],

df2 = (pd.DataFrame({'c':[1,2,3],

new_vals = df1.values[:,None] + df2.values[None,:]

new_df = pd.DataFrame(data=new_vals.reshape(len(df1), df2.shape[1]*df2.shape[0]),
                      columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product((df2.index, df2.columns) )

Output: 输出:

       X  Y
a b        
1 1 1  1  1
    2  2  2
    3  3  6
  2 1  4  2
    2  5  3
    3  6  7

It is easy using concat 使用concat很容易

pd.concat([df1+df2.loc[x] for x in df2.index],1,keys=df2.index).stack(0)
a b c   
1 1 1  3
    2  4
  2 1  4
    2  5

Another solution, creating a new MultiIndex.from_tuples from a list comprehension, then using DataFrame.reindex and DataFrame.add : 另一个解决方案,从列表MultiIndex.from_tuples创建一个新的MultiIndex.from_tuples ,然后使用DataFrame.reindexDataFrame.add

new_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([x + (y,) for x in df1.index.to_flat_index()
                                     for y in df2.index], names=['a', 'b', 'c'])


[out] [OUT]

a b c   
1 1 1  3
    2  4
  2 1  4
    2  5

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