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[英]How can I convert to a tidy format in python?

My pandas dataframe has separate columns that are one-hot encoded and a total column at the end that sums them up ( total = val1 + val2 ). 我的pandas数据帧具有单独的一列,这些列经过一键编码,最后有一个total列将它们加起来( total = val1 + val2 )。

Some rows have 1s for multiple val columns: 有些行的多个val列的值为1:

| name | val1 | val2 | total | 
| joe  | 1    | 0    | 1     |
| bob  | 0    | 1    | 1     |
| dan  | 1    | 1    | 2     |

I want this: 我要这个:

| name | val1 | val2 | total | 
| joe  | 1    | 0    | 1     |
| bob  | 0    | 1    | 1     |
| dan  | 1    | 0    | 1     |
| dan  | 0    | 1    | 1     |

I can't figure out how to get this to work: to melt it conditional upon the total column. 我不知道如何使它工作:以总列为条件融化它。

The end result should have a total value of 1 for every row. 最终结果每一行的总值为1。

d = df.drop('total', axis=1).set_index('name').stack().loc[lambda x: x == 1]

n, v = zip(*d.index)
pd.concat([pd.Series(n, name='name'), pd.get_dummies(v).assign(total=1)], axis=1)

  name  val1  val2  total
0  joe     1     0      1
1  bob     0     1      1
2  dan     1     0      1
3  dan     0     1      1

Harder than what I thought 比我想的要难

  name  val1  val2  Total
0  joe     1     0      1
1  bob     0     1      1
2  dan     1     0      1
2  dan     0     1      1

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