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[英]How to add entries to IIS virtual directory's configuration

I'm trying to add some custom properties to the configuration of a virtual directory in IIS but when I'm committing the changes I get a DirectoryNotFoundException 我正在尝试为IIS中的虚拟目录配置添加一些自定义属性,但是当我提交更改时,我得到一个DirectoryNotFoundException

I've tried multiple ways of doing it, most something like this 我尝试了多种方法,大多数都是这样的

var config = serverManager.GetWebConfiguration(serverManager.Sites[0].Name, "mycustomfolder");
var appSettings = config .GetSection("appSettings");
var collection = section.GetCollection();
var elem = conf.CreateElement("add");
elem.SetAttributeValue("key", "createdBy");
elem.SetAttributeValue("value", "me");


The server manager object is clearly defined with 服务器管理器对象已明确定义

using(var serverManager = new ServerManager())

What I was expecting would be something like this inside the configuration: 我期待的内容在配置中会是这样的:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />
        <clear />
        <add key="createdBy" value="me" />

Instead I am getting an error 相反,我得到一个错误

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Filename: \\?\C:\inetpub\wwwroot\local\web.config
Error: Cannot write configuration file

   at Microsoft.Web.Administration.Interop.IAppHostWritableAdminManager.CommitChanges()
   at Microsoft.Web.Administration.ConfigurationManager.CommitChanges()
   at Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager.CommitChanges()

Following the path in which it is trying to save I cannot see subfolders for my virtual directories, but I can create them, even programmatically 按照它尝试保存的路径,我看不到我的虚拟目录的子文件夹,但我可以创建它们,甚至以编程方式

According to your description, I guess you may used the wrong site name. 根据你的描述,我猜你可能使用了错误的网站名称。 I have also created a test demo on my side, it works well. 我也在我身边创建了一个测试演示,它运行良好。 I suggest you could try to use site name directly. 我建议你可以尝试直接使用网站名称。

Details, you could refer to below codes: 详情,您可以参考以下代码:

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        using (var serverManager = new ServerManager())
            var config = serverManager.GetWebConfiguration("WebForm48", "mycustomfolder");
            var appSettings = config.GetSection("appSettings");
            var collection = appSettings.GetCollection();
            var elem = collection.CreateElement("add");
            elem.SetAttributeValue("key", "createdBy");
            elem.SetAttributeValue("value", "me");

My IIS console: 我的IIS控制台:


Result: 结果:


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