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[英]How to efficiently calculate full (2pi) angles between three vectors of 2d points

I have three numpy arrays of shape [n, 2] containing the a list of points. 我有形状[n,2]的三个numpy数组,其中包含点列表。 Let's call these a, b, and c. 我们称它们为a,b和c。 I want to find the full angle between ab and bc. 我想找到ab和bc之间的完整角度。 Using acos nets me only pi radians, but I want the full 2pi scale. 使用acos只能使我获得pi弧度,但是我想要完整的2pi比例。 I considered using atan2, but am unsure of how to calculate the y and x vectors necessory for atan2 - I tried using vector norms, but these are inherently positive. 我考虑过使用atan2,但是不确定如何计算atan2必需的y和x向量-我尝试使用向量范数,但这些方法本质上是肯定的。 Is there any way I can do this completely using numpy functions for efficiency? 有什么办法可以完全使用numpy函数来做到这一点?

Using the arccos method alone only gives you the absolute angle between the vectors, not wether it is clock-wise or counter-clockwise. 单独使用arccos方法只能提供矢量之间的绝对角度,而不能顺时针或逆时针旋转。 You can augment this by checking if the dot product of a against the perpendicular of b is negative, signifying a counter-clockwise angle. 您可以通过检查a对于b的垂直线的点积是否为负(表示逆时针角度)来扩大此范围。

import numpy as np

def dot(a, b):
  return np.sum(a * b, axis=-1)

def mag(a):
  return np.sqrt(np.sum(a*a, axis=-1))

def angle(a, b):
  cosab = dot(a, b) / (mag(a) * mag(b)) # cosine of angle between vectors
  angle = np.arccos(cosab) # what you currently have (absolute angle)

  b_t = b[:,[1,0]] * [1, -1] # perpendicular of b

  is_cc = dot(a, b_t) < 0

  # invert the angles for counter-clockwise rotations
  angle[is_cc] = 2*np.pi - angle[is_cc]
  return angle

  np.array([[1, 0], [1, 0]]),
  np.array([[0, 1], [0, -1]])

Will print the float values of [pi/2, 3pi/2] . 将打印浮点值[pi/2, 3pi/2]

This function outputs in the range [0, 2*pi] . 该函数的输出范围为[0, 2*pi]

Unsurprisingly, the angle function can be used here. 毫不奇怪,这里可以使用angle函数。 It takes a complex argument x + yi : 它需要一个复杂的参数x + yi

The advantage of this method is that relative angles are easily obtained. 该方法的优点是容易获得相对角度。 With the atan2 this would be a bit trickier. 使用atan2这会有些棘手。

def get_angle(a,b,yx=False):
    # make sure inputs are contiguous float
    # swap x and  if requested
    a,b = map(np.ascontiguousarray, (a[...,::-1],b[...,::-1]) if yx else (a,b), (float,float))
    # view cast to complex, prune excess dimension
    A,B = (z.view(complex).reshape(z.shape[:-1]) for z in (a,b))
    # to get the relative angle we must either divide 
    # or (probably cheaper) multiply with the conjugate  
    return np.angle(A.conj()*B)

a,b,c = np.random.randn(3,20,2)
# let's look at a roundtrip as a test
# array([ 0.00000000e+00,  1.66533454e-16,  4.44089210e-16, -2.22044605e-16,
#         0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00,  0.00000000e+00, -4.44089210e-16,
#         0.00000000e+00, -1.66533454e-16,  2.22044605e-16,  0.00000000e+00,
#         0.00000000e+00,  2.22044605e-16,  6.28318531e+00,  8.32667268e-17,
#         2.22044605e-16, -6.28318531e+00, -2.22044605e-16,  6.28318531e+00])
# some zeros, some 2pi and some -2pi ==> looks ok

# Let's also check the sum of angles of triangles abc:
# array([-3.14159265, -3.14159265,  3.14159265, -3.14159265, -3.14159265,
#         3.14159265, -3.14159265, -3.14159265,  3.14159265, -3.14159265,
#        -3.14159265,  3.14159265, -3.14159265, -3.14159265,  3.14159265,
#         3.14159265, -3.14159265, -3.14159265,  3.14159265,  3.14159265])

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