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[英]SSRS report Slow in Reporting Server

I have a report SSRS deployed in reporting service, during the execution it is very slow on the other hand that if I run in visual studio (SSDT) it works fast (query return 200 000 lines) 我在报告服务中部署了SSRS报告,在执行期间它非常慢,如果我在visual studio(SSDT)中运行它工作得很快(查询返回200 000行)

What can I do ? 我能做什么 ?

Your report server could have resource issues. 您的报表服务器可能存在资源问题。 However from my experience it is more likely that the difference is due to the CRM user accounts executing the reports from the two different environments. 但是根据我的经验,差异更可能是因为CRM用户帐户执行来自两个不同环境的报告。 There is significant overhead involved with accessing the filtered views with a non-admin account because of the underlying security mechanisms built into those views. 由于这些视图中内置了基础安全机制,因此使用非管理员帐户访问过滤后的视图会产生大量开销。 If you are using filtered views, and running the reports in Visual Studio using an account with System Administrator permissions, while the reporting services account is not a System Administrator then that could explain the behavior. 如果您使用筛选视图,并使用具有系统管理员权限的帐户在Visual Studio中运行报表,而报表服务帐户不是系统管理员,则可以解释该行为。

Are you using filtered views? 您使用的是筛选视图吗? Can you post your query code? 你可以发布你的查询代码吗?

Update: 更新:
Since you think you are not using filtered views then I would try a few different things: 既然您认为自己没有使用过滤后的视图,那么我会尝试一些不同的东西:
- Verify that the version of the report being rendered on the report server is the same version that you are working on in VS (eg make a small change and verify it carries across) - 验证在报表服务器上呈现的报表版本与您在VS中处理的版本相同(例如,进行少量更改并验证其是否存在)
- Make sure your query is as efficient as possible. - 确保您的查询尽可能高效。 I don't see anything obviously wrong with the partial code you posted but that doesn't mean much since we can't see how your temp tables are being generated. 我发现您发布的部分代码没有明显错误,但这并不意味着太多,因为我们无法看到您的临时表是如何生成的。
- Review indexes on the tables involved in the report, and add any missing indexes - 查看报告中涉及的表的索引,并添加任何缺失的索引

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