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[英]Task not serializable when iterating through dataframe, scala

Below is my code and when I try to iterate through each row:下面是我的代码,当我尝试遍历每一行时:

val df: DataFrame = sqlContext.read
  .option("header", true) // Use first line of all files as header
  .option("delimiter", TILDE)
  .option("inferSchema", "true") // Automatically infer data types

val accGrpCountsIds: DataFrame = df.groupBy("accgrpid").count()
LOGGER.info(s"DataFrame Count - ${accGrpCountsIds.count()}")

//switch based on file names and update the model.
accGrpCountsIds.foreach(accGrpRow => {
  val accGrpId = accGrpRow.getLong(0)
  val rowCount = accGrpRow.getInt(1)

When I try to interate through the dataframe above using foreach , I get an task not serializable error.当我尝试使用foreach对上面的数据帧进行交互时,我收到一个任务不可序列化错误。 How can I do this?我怎样才能做到这一点?

Do you have any other types in your foreach that you didn't share?您的 foreach 中是否还有其他类型没有共享? or that's all you do and it doesn't work?或者这就是你所做的一切,但它不起作用?

accGrpCountsIds.foreach(accGrpRow => {
  val accGrpId = accGrpRow.getLong(0)
  val rowCount = accGrpRow.getInt(1)

Also, you may find that useful?另外,你可能会觉得这很有用? Task not serializable: java.io.NotSerializableException when calling function outside closure only on classes not objects 任务不可序列化:java.io.NotSerializableException 仅在类而非对象上调用闭包外的函数时

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